"She could stay out of the water!"

"You really know nothing baby brother." Damon shook his head before going and picking up Victoria. She had started to get fussy, wanting attention and to be held.

"Then I can go by myself!?"

"No. Mama said we BOTH have to watch her. You have to grow up some Stefan. you're a big brother now too and have to help. You can't go and play when you've been asked to do something."

Stefan pouted as his brother lectured him, he didn't like all this responsibility that apparently came along with being a big brother. "Can we at least go outside and play?"

"Yeah, that'll be okay. Let me try and get Victoria to use the pot first."

"Okay, I'll go outside now!"

"Alright. we shouldn't be too long. Stay in the front yard."

"I will!"

"Alright then, let's get you to go on the pot. Then we Can play with big brother Stefan."

" 'ef?"

"Yeah, Stefan." He carried her to the nursery where the closest Chamber pot was located.
After fifteen minutes of waiting for Victoria to go the bathroom, the two siblings finally came outside. It was a bright and warm summer day - the perfect day to play outside, go for a swim, have a picnic, and relax.
"Now where is your big brother?" Damon asked.

"Where?" She repeated a single word from his question.

"He isn't out here. Maybe he went to the stables."

"Pony! Go go!" She knew that the stables meant horses, and she loved horses just as much as Stefan.
Damon laughed as she made the demand, "alright. Let's go see." He carried her around the back to the stables, and then put her down so she could run and look at the young ponies they currently had. "Don't get to close."


He smiled at her fondly before searching for Stefan. He didn't find his brother, but did find Hector - one of the stable boys just slightly younger than Damon. "Hector!"

The boy jumped, he was really skiddish, "Master Damon! Hello sir." He bowed to the boy.

"Have you seen my brother around here?"

"No sir, I hasn't seen young Master Stefan around the stable all day. But..."

"But what?"

"Well I's don't want to get him into no trouble. And make you angry."

"Hector, please tell me where you've seen my brother. I won't be angry with you if he's done something he shouldn't."

"I saw him heading down the road towards the water spot on the property. He saw me and asked me not to tell no one."

Damon let out a frustrated sigh, "thank you Hector. Victoria?" He turned around to see his little sister in the same spot he left her. "At least one of you listens to me," he smiled and picked her up.

"Bye bye pony!" She waved as Damon started to head out the stables "bye bye!" She waved to Hector as well, making the stable boy smile - the little girl had a radiant personality that made everyone smile.

"Time to go get your worrisome big brother and tan his hide."

"Uh oh."

"Big uh oh."

"Walk." She squirmed in Damon's arms as they started to head down the path that lead to the small pond on their property.

"You wanna walk?"

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