Chapter 1: Eila Winder 🌺

Start from the beginning

In love I am.
I longed for him.
I missed him.
But I couldn't have him....

I looked down to our perfectly intertwined hands - perfectly matched for centuries.

"The barrier will be broken soon. And- I don't know. You get to thinking about the things you want to mend and say before it's too late."

"Do you think I'm going to die?"

"I pray you don't, Vannie. I couldn't live with myself if I lost you again."

His brown orbs pulled me again, "I feel the same," he admitted.

Our lips touched but for a moment.

I pulled back reluctantly, I had to know, "What about...what about June?"

"Eila Winder I've been waiting so long for a moment to kiss you and be with you. If this is our last moment together, then lets make the most of it. Please?"

I had to think about the depth of the request. Another truth was cause and effect. Every reaction to an action - that was always sure.

But what was also true, is I've always put everyone else before myself. My principles have always stuck to me - to my benefit, but for my lover, to my heartbreak.

I have only this moment.
Will this memory vanish like the rest?
With the love of my life....

Hell. No.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, he snaked his hands around my hips - a familiar sensation. We lingered until our lips connected again, aggressively, passionately, with purpose. This was long overdue. The only lips Ive ever touched and may be the last lips I'll ever kiss. Our lips danced to the sound of our in sync hearts.

He lifted me as his bride - lips never departed.
Change of scenery - change of actions.
And we....




"Yes?" I responded to the chocolate Cinbrid in front of me. I read concern on her as she read me.

"Where did you go? Are you alright?" Her hazel eyes scanned my face again.

I smiled, "Of course, Hazel."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

It was a sweet gesture but, "No thank you. I'm fine, really."

She would never give up - she would only do so momentarily. I knew her and she knows me.

"Okay? You ready to do this?"

I looked at what was ahead of us.
I pushed my nerves out with a sigh.
Here goes nothing...


She and I headed toward the rock that seemed vacant but she and I knew differently. It had been centuries since I've laid eyes on my fellow Azeditarians. Nerves couldn't describe nor calm the feelings.

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