Yurio: Oh that was the competition I trained lev for because you were sick and yuuri was taking care of Alisa's performance

Victor: I have to admit having lev train with you and Otabeck made him improve a lot

Yurio: Why thank you not like I didn't know that before 

Yuuri: Lets move onto the next one

Alisa age 9

Yuuri: That was the ruetine I completly did myslef because Victor was sick she did sp good

Alisa: thanks pa

Victor: Why is everyone picking one me

Yuuri: We are not picking on you victor we are just saying they did a good job

Kenma age 9

Kenma: That was the competition I ask Uncle victor to make me a routine so I look like a prince 

Yurio: And I designed that costume for you also

Alisa: You looked so cute in that performance

Lev age 9

Alisa: You were so cute

Yurio: I forgot how much you wanted to go to the olympics

Lev: I still do but I also want a normal life

Kenma: That was the competition you beat me for the first time

Victor: It was wasnt it

Otabeck: Moving on

Lev (Age 9) and Alisa (age 13) pair skating 

Alisa: That was our first time pair skating in a competition lev

Lev: Oh ya I forgot about that

Kenma: I remeber you two practicing that for so long

Yuuri: I was crying through that whole performance it was so adorable

Alisa Age 10 

Alisa: That was the last competition before I took a break for 4 years to focus on pair skating with lev

Yuuri: That was one big competition

Victor: She had the dog that I always brought to competition

Yurio: I remeber that was also her first competition with her Russian figure skating jacket

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