Season 4 - Part 2: Travelling back to Avonlea

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After a month of long days lessons, exams and many nieuwmade friends, finally autumbreak was there. Anne, Diana and the other girls went to the train in full excitement. They've all missed home so much and longed for this moment. As the train arrived in Charlottetown, Diana and Anne said goodbye to the girls and went straight to aunt Josephines house. Aunt Josephine was already waiting bij the front door, with Cole beside her.

When the girls saw them standing they came running as fast as they could, screaming of excitement. "Cole!! Aunt Josephine!! Oh how I've missed you so much!!" Everybody hugged eachother and the girls went in.

Soon everyone sat down with a nice cup of tea and the sound of enthousiastic chatter filled the room. After Anne and Diana had told all their adventures at Queens, it was Coles turn. "So how is boardingschool? Are there any interesting persons we may need to hear about?" Anne chuckled. Cole spat out his tea and turned as red as a tomato. Everyone started laughing. "Well, now you can't hide it anymore, tell the girls!" Aunt Josephine sat with a pleasant smile on her face. "No , no it's nothing," said Cole, wiping the tea from the table, trying to avoid eyecontact with the girls. "O well, who was that boy that was here almost every week?" I am hoping there aren't any ghosts in this old house?" Aunt Josephine said, grinning.
"NO! No! It's not what you all think!" Cole said in a hurry, when he catched the girls looking curiously. "He just helps with my homework, I am a little behind, that's all, I'm serious!"

Anne smiled mysteriously. "Well, is he handsome?" Cole turned more red as ever, and tried to start another conversation. "So Anne, how is everything with you and Gilbert? I still believe he has a crush on you!" Now Anne began to blush, in great delight of Cole.
"They kissed!" Diana flapped out. Aunt Josephine and Cole shreeked out of excitement, and soon everybody started chatting about all kind of things.

At the end of the day, Anne and Diana said goodbye to Cole and aunt Josephine, with the promise to come back soon.

In the train home, Diana was all of the sudden very quiet. "What's wrong Diana?" Anne asked worried.

Diana couldn't hold it anymore and bursted out in tears. "Oh Anne, I'm so delighted that I can see my parents again, but I can't be excited because my feelings for Jerry are in the way! I miss him and I want to tell him I love him, but how am I gonna do that? I'm sure he doesn't want me and if he does, how could we possibly be together? My parents would never accept it!" Anne hugged Diana and said: I'm sure Jerry would want you,Diana! He was in love with you the first time he saw you! I'm sure he will be happy to see you and you two can talk things out. And about your parents, they are very mind-changing, if you look at our past." Both the girls smiled and Diana was relieved.

2 more houres till they would arrive in the familliar Avonlea, the girls couldn't wait.

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