Episode 7 (Confession)

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Irish Pov:

I was woke up early to go school and getting ready for new day. 

(skip time)

I'm at the school right now and going to my locker to get book for my class, and I noticed Antonio standing in my locker, so came closer and asking why are you here?..

"I'm just waiting for you" he said.

"then let's go we're gonna late in class" I said to him.

(skip time) 

I'm in the canteen right now to eat, and I'm clingy to Antonio because he always follows me, because even though he's my bestfriend, he's not like this; I asked him what he ate today

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I'm in the canteen right now to eat, and I'm clingy to Antonio because he always follows me, because even though he's my bestfriend, he's not like this; I asked him what he ate today..

I'm eating my food and he's staring at me as if he's crazy, and there are a lot of students staring at us.

"Yah" I said to him and kicking his knee..

" What did you do? Just eat, and don't stare at me because a lot of students are whispering about us." I said to him, then he eat.

"you're so beautiful today" he said that make me blush..

(skip time)

I'm done eating and getting ready for my next class..

My phone rang and when I saw it Antonio chat me:


Antonio: GO to the rooftop later after our class<3

I'll stare at him, because he texted me in the middle of class..


Antonio Pov:

After class I go to the roof top and getting ready because I will going to confess my feeling to her, I hope she agree to be my girlfriend....

I ready my banner and it says "I like you , can u be my girlfriend?"  I wrote that with feeling, this is my first time doing this because in my whole life I didn't do this stuff..

I heard footstep that coming in here I think this is Irish so I getting ready my  banner...

When the door is open I saw Samantha..


"Yes, what is the problem??Oh!! are u gonna confess on me???" she said..

"No, why are you here?? this is from Irish not yours.."

"Oh, c'mon tonio I know you want me" sam said

"who brings you here??" I asked.

"Irish dah"

"She did?" I said.

"Yess!" she said..

After that I walked out and finding Irish..


then Sam smirk after that..

Irish Pov:

 After our class I was going to rooftop because tonio said, but Sam get my phone and I getting my phone to her..

Author Pov:

Samantha noticed Tonio texting in Irish, so she returned the Irish phone and went to the rooftop.

Back to Irish pov:

I'm currently on the roof, but I suddenly heard a voice on the roof, so I opened the door a little bit and heard Sam say "Oh, no!! Are you going to confess to me?" My heart broke, and I shut the door, thinking to myself, "Why does he want me to go in there, to face me that he confessed to Sam?" and I feel my tears falling down..

So I'm going back to my house and lay to my bed. I can't still forget what happen today..

(skip time) 

she fall asleep..

Antonio pov:

I still contacting Irish, but she didn't answer my call..

Why did she do that??? I said to myself..

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