Chapter 15: Bakugou's new cut... oh and an end of term exam

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Sero/Kirishima/(Y/N): "HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHA!! Bakugou, is that you?! HAHAHAH!"

What the three were laughing at was Bakugou's new hairstyle, it was flat, and neatly combed. He started yelling and Sero taunted him, causing his hair to spike up once more into its usual spiky demeanour, and Bakugou started thwacking the three over the head, for not shutting up.

The mood shifted when Kaminari brought up the hero killer and called him cool.

(Y/N): "Y'know, Kaminari is right, Stain is quite cool. His motives are admirable... The fact he had the courage to put his beliefs into action... All pretty cool if you ask me. I guess you could say I look up to him in a way. Sure, sometimes he mistakes people for targets... The old Ingenium being one of them." Soon enough Iida chopped him on the head.

Iida: "You're basically idolising a villain!"

(Y/N): "So? I said his motives and courage are admirable, ya dickhead." He said, rubbing the top of his head.

Deku: "It's a good thing Endeavor came to save us." He said elbowing Shouto and (Y/N) in the ribs. "Otherwise we would be dead."

(Y/N): "Yeaaaahhh." He said, sarcasm clearly there in his voice.

Shouto: "Hiyasu's just sour that it was Endeavor saving him and not an actually good hero." He lied.

(Y/N): "Yeah... Why couldn't it have been Edgeshot or something?" He said, while standing up way too quickly, causing a pain in his abdomen. "Fuck... that hurts."

Later that day, it was a rescue training race. Where there were four sets of five racers, first person to find All Might wins. Unfortunately, (Y/N) wasn't allowed to participate as he was too injured from the slash wound... But he insisted on participating to show how much he had grown in the few days he had trained under Edgeshot. So All Might swapped a rule. Instead of 4 sets of 5, it was 3 sets of 7.

(Y/N)'s costume had changed in style a small bit, everything was exactly the same, but with Stain's scarf added to it.

Sero: "Woah dude! Is that Stain's scarf? How'd you get it?" He asked, of course it was him that noticed.

(Y/N): "Oh, um... Stain wrapped it around my wound before he passed out... or that's what I was told by Deku and Todoroki Shouto." He said, holding his idol's scarf lightly in his hand.

All Might: "Here are the sets. First is Young Midoriya, Young Todoroki, Young Iida, Young Kaminari, Young Sero, Miss Ashido and Young Ojiro." He said while reading from a piece of paper. "Second set will be Miss Uraraka, Miss Asui, Young Shoji, Young Mineta, Young Kirishima, Miss Jirou and Young Bakugou. The third set will be the people remaining." He said putting the paper away.

The sets went on, with Sero winning the first set with Ojiro and Iida close behind with Todoroki taking a fourth, Ashido in fifth with Kaminari close behind and Deku in dead last, although... His quirk control has improved drastically and doesn't break his bones each time he uses it.

The second set went about as expected, with Bakugou winning, and Mineta getting second place, with Uraraka, Asui and Shoji finishing close behind, Kirishima came just a few moments before Jirou did.

Finally the last set was up. (Y/N) lined up, alongside Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Sato, Aoyama, Koda and Hagakure. To everyone else, it seemed clear of who was going to win.

Kaminari: "Sato?"

Class 1-A -Shouto, Deku and Iida: "Sato."

Shouto/Deku/Iida: "Hiyasu."

Everyone looked at them confusedly. Before they saw the set start. Despite having a heavy wound in his abdomen, (Y/N) kicked from the ground onto an ice ramp he had created to get himself to higher ground, from there, he made a slope that ended in another ramp, this process repeated until he found All Might. With a first place. Followed by Sato, who had lagged far behind. Everyone arrived as followed; Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Aoyama, Koda, Hagakure.

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