Chapter 9: Notification of Sports Fest... and a Threat

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Monday, the worst day of the week and hated by many, Garfield included.

(Y/N) was just looking out of the class window, happy about the weekend's events. He got to confess his love to the girl of his dreams, have his first kiss with said girl and even cuddle throughout the night. To him... Life couldn't be better. He had a brother who would incinerate anyone who wronged him, a girlfriend who would stab anyone who made her, and I quote, "Little Cold-Blooded Hero" cry and friends who would do almost anything for him.

Clearly the joy on (Y/N)'s face could be seen by everyone, they all smiled at each other knowing exactly what happened while he was gone on Saturday.

Iida announced something that (Y/N) didn't pay any attention to, his focus was snapped to the front of the room however, when their teacher, Aizawa, walked into the room, wrapped up like a mummy with bandages.

Aizawa: "Morning." He said in the most monotonous tone imaginable.


Sero: "That's beyond pro!"

Multiple comments were spoken about Aizawa's return as the man himself walked slowly to the teacher's desk.

Iida: "SENSEI, YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" The fast teen yelled respectfully with his arm high in the air.

Uraraka/(Y/N): "You really call that 'alright'?" They said in near unison.

Aizawa: "Don't have me at the top pf your concerns. After all, your battle isn't over yet." He said ominously.

Bakugou: "The battle?"

Deku: "You don't mean..."

Mineta: "MORE VILLAINS?!!"

(Y/N): "BRING 'EM ON!" He said in complete contrast of his classmates.

Everyone focused in on Aizawa, which if you could look very closely... His eyes were just about visible in between the bandages.

Aizawa: "...UA's sports festival is near." He finished once he had everyone hanging in suspense.

Everyone-Bakugou, Todoroki, (Y/N): "I FORGOT THIS WAS A SCHOOL!"

(Y/N): "So... No villains?" He said, taking what seemed to be a newly bought skateboard out of his bag.

Aizawa simply nodded slightly and the student threw the skateboard on the ground. He jumped on it, expressing the anger that he couldn't take out on villains.

Kaminari: "Dude! Calm down! If that was a villain, you'd be charged with murder!" He said loudly, startled by the splintered skateboard.

Mineta: "Hold up, that sounds like something villains would like to infiltrate, doesn't it? Will it be alright?!" He asked, pretty much wetting himself.

Aizawa went on to explain that it will be safer than previous years because security is 5 times better, and that the students should only be thinking about the huge possibility that the event presents to the them. Also saying that it isn't an event to be cancelled by the likes of villains.

Mineta: "But if villains show up... Can we stop it please?" He asked, almost pleading now, pissing (Y/N) off enough to educate the scared grape.

(Y/N): "The sports festival cannot be stopped Mineta, it's the biggest event in Japan. Back in the day, the Olympics was considered 'the shit' but due to quirks being made, it's lost popularity. Only one sporty event sparks interest in the hearts of the people now... UA's sports festival." He lectured, with a pissed off tone, his life may have been at its peak and probably still climbing, but he still was annoyed when someone tries raining on everyone's parade.

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