Chapter 12

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"Different language"
"Kurama talking"
'Kurama thinking'

(A few months later with the Ninjas)

"I have a mission for you." Tsunade said looking at Sasuke, Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Neji, Lee, Tenten, Gai, Kurenai, and Asuma. Tsunade knew she wouldn't be able to get the older Anbu's to help her she she would use the Root Anbu's instead not knowing some of them liked Naruto and would never bring him back.

"What is it, Lady Hokage?" Neji asked.

"I need you to bring Uzumaki Naruto home." Tsunade told them.

"Isn't he in another world?" Tenten asked, she had heard about the mission around the Village.

"He is. But he needs to come home, he said he's not happy there." Tsunade lied. "If you accept, it needs to be an in and out mission. If anyone there knows you're there to take him home they will try to stop you."

"We accept." Kurenai told her.

An hour later they were standing at the portal, Tsunade surprisingly found the Jutsu so they could use it.

"I wish you luck." Tsunade said as they passed through the portal.

The plan was simple they were going to grab Naruto and leave before anyone could notice, it did work for the most part but what they didn't count of was that Naruto let them catch him. He had felt the Ninjas as soon as they entered the world once again.

"Here we go again." Naruto muttered thankful that he was currently alone, Kurama and Yuno had gone hunting for Hydra members, and the Team were at the tower. Naruto knew that they were there to take him back to the Village, so he decided to indulge them. He let them think they caught him off guard and capture him. They immediately brought him to the portal and went through.

"So what's gonna happen now?" Naruto asked as the portal closed behind them.

"You are going to go on trial for betraying the Village." Sasuke told him as they dragged him to Tsunade's office.

"That's funny coming from you." Naruto said.

They ignored Naruto in favor of knocking on the office door. A confused 'Come in' came from they other side. Sakura opened the door.

"Did you forget something?" Tsunade asked, it had only been a few hours since they had left.

"We completed the mission." Sasuke said bringing Naruto into the room. Tsunade's eye widened slightly, would Naruto really be caught that easily and be so willing to come back after what they told her last time.

"That was fast." Tsunade said.

"He came willingly." Kurenai told her.

"Are you sure?" Tsunade asked.

Naruto yawned as he stood in the office listening as they talked, Kurama and Yuno both would immediately know he was gone, and then one of two things would happen, one; they would come alone and get him, or two; they would tell the Team and then come and get him, and if none of those things happened in the next 30 minutes he would do it himself.

"Anbu, get the council together." Tsunade ordered. The Anbu in question left and came back in a few minutes letting them know the council was now waiting for them. Naruto was once again dragged to a room, only this one was filled with people who made his life hell.

Naruto sent out a small pulse of Chakra around the Village, while not enough to be noticed by most a lot of Anbu and Ex-Anbu would notice, thankfully it seemed only Asuma, Gai, and Neji noticed the Chakra and decided to keep quiet.

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