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"What do you think?"

Seulgi read the shapes of the words on Jaehyun's lips. They were curved into a soft smile, with his dimples running from his cheekbones to his chin. His crown of bronze hair fell in wistful strands, framing his carved, angular face, one that wore a coded expression she could not discern.

Her eyes wandered to her periphery, an ocean of psychedelic lights and a rain of glittering confetti. A cacophony of loud music and hyperexcited screams resounded in their ears. They stood on an illuminated stage, with people in pale pink shirts buzzing around them, waving and dunking water bottles on each other. It all seemed to go into slow motion, with Jaehyun and his piercing eyes coming back into her vision.

"It's a strange proposition," she admitted honestly, running her fingers through her hair.

She searched her mind for memories of the rather fuzzy night before. It was one of those unforgettably forgettable pre-concert parties where there was too much alcohol and too little food. Everyone was roaring drunk and could barely pronounce their names. That was probably Seulgi, so she wasn't sure how she wound up on Jaehyun's lap, arms encircled around his neck, lips moving hungrily against his. Eating each other's faces without a care in the world, according to Wendy's excited and unnecessarily graphic description in the wee hours of the morning.

The others in the vicinity probably found them –an unlikely pair standing motionlessly smack in the middle of the stage– strange as well. Years ago, it would have seemed like they were seconds away from a scandal breaking loose. But times were slightly different, with the both of them being older, quieter, and much less at the center of the spotlight.

The finale song began to increase in volume. People began to crowd around the end of the stage, voices louder against their microphones. Seulgi reluctantly pried her gaze away from Jaehyun, positioning herself next to her groupmates. He somehow managed to find his way next to her, using the final bow as an excuse to intertwine his fingers with hers.

Their eyes met again, and they almost forgot to bow.

"We won't know if we don't try," Jaehyun said softly.

Seulgi drew her breath. Her voice dropped to a murmur. "Alright, let's try."

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