[Ch.4] Meeting the Other Brothers

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I'm sorry if this is taking awhile, but I'll try to finish the intro and actually get into my own ideas. Sorry if there are any spelling errors and grammatic errors.
















[3rd POV]

"Seems like you had a nice chat." Lucifer says.

"He seems sort of reliable I guess." Latil replied, giving Lucifer his phone. 

"...You really think so?" He asked.

"If you were suddenly brought to a strange place and told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you'd certainly fell anxious." Diavolo reasoned. "But, don't worry Latil, he isn't the only one to help you out." He assured Latil. "Now then... we still need to introduce our new friend to your brothers, Lucifer. And it's better that you do that instead of me, wouldn't you say."

'... wat... did he just say friend... friend my ass..." Latil thought.

"Yes... As much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right." Lucifer said. 

"Oh, come now. Really? You should be honored that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!" ??? started talking.

'Nani? When did he get here??' Latil thought.

"Err.. This one is Asmodeus, the fifth eldest." Lucifer introduced. "He is the Avatar of Lust."

"Wh... I can't believe you just totally ignored what I just said! And not only that, you referred to me as this one. How rude!" Asmodeus sassily said.

'Damn, this guy is sassy.' Latil thought.

Lucifer ignored Asmo and moved on to the other guy.

"Hmph. At least he didn't ignore you altogether. How do you think I feel" ??? said.

"That one there is Satan, the fourth oldest. He may seem like a responsible demon with a good head on his shoulders, but looks can be deceiving." Lucifer ignoring Satan.

'Damnn he also just got ignored' Latil noticed. 'Does he like ignore his brothers or wha..'

"Aha, so I'm that one, am I? Nice to meet you, Latil." Satan said. "I am Satan, the Avatar of Wrath."
"The Avatar of Lust?" Latil questioned. 'What did the Avatar of... mean.' Latil pondered.

"That's right! It pretty much sums up what I'm about!" Asmo responded. "Including my power. Lets give a little demonstration, Latil! Could you gaze into my eyes for a moment? It's okay, I won't hurt you. Come on, dont be shy..."

Without hesitation, Latil looked (Up/down) into Asmo's eyes. 

"Yes, great! That's perfect!" Asmo exclamed. "Just keep your eyes on mine, just like that..."
"Is there something that should happen, because nothing is happening... I think?" Latil said still looking at Asmo's eyes.

"...Huh? There's something about you... hmm..." Asmo stood there confused.

"I should probably warn you, Latil, you'd best be wary of his gaze." Satan warned Latil. "He can charm and manipulate people and use them to his own advantage. If you're not careful, he'll charm you, and once you're under his spell... he'll eat you." 

"Oooo soo scary, I'm so scared. I should be fine. Nothing happened anyways." Latil said sarcastically.

"Hey don't go and saying things like that..." Asmo said sadly. "Hmm... yeah, it's true that my powers don't work on you. I wonder why."

Lucifer interrupted, " Are you done yet?" 

Latil forgot he was even in the room again.

"Now, the one over there with the grumpy face is Beelzebub. He is the sixth oldest." Lucifer continued.

"Lucifer, I'm hungry." Beel said. 

"That's too bad, now behave yourself!" Lucifer shouted.

'Damn I'm also hungry... :'(' Latil thought.

"I'm Beelzebub, the Avatar of Gluttony." Beel said with a frown.

"So... There are seven of us brothers in all, and I am the eldest." Lucifer started recaping. "Mammon is the second oldest and will be here soon. My other brothers aren't here at the moment, but... well, we can get them later.  All in good time."

"Diavolo started talking once again, "During your stay in the Devildom, the seven brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you will be staying with them at the House of Lamentation."

"The House of Lamentation?" Latil asked.

"It's where I live with my brothers." Lucifer stating the godamn obvious. "It is a spacious house, and was originally a cursed house in the human world. So I assume it won't be a problem for you, a human, to live there."

'Is this bitch really tryna scare me? Because it ain't working.' Was what she wish she could say.

"Although we will live all together, you should still have the means to reach us at any given time." Lucifer continued. "All of our phone numbers are already in there and you D.D.D also has a messaging app. Make sure to add all of us." 

"I'll go ahead and send you a message!" Diavolo exclamed. 

"Isn't that nice Latil. Now you will be friends with the future king of Devildom!" Satan said.

"Yeah, mhm, cool... cool..." Latil replied to Satan.














Anyways that is the end for this chapter and I am mega tired.

Thanks for reading and Bye bye!!

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