Chapter 40: Surreal

Start from the beginning

"Mizuki, I took my eyes off of Hana for one second and..." Kei trailed off as he entered the room with the stroller, his gaze focusing on his daughter who was spinning on the office chair, "There you are..."

"She's fine, baby." Mizuki assured him, walking over to check on their sons who were sound asleep.

"Hana..." Kei sauntered over to her and frowned, "You can't just run off, sweetheart. What if you got lost? Or hurt?"

"But you said mama's office is on the second floor so I knew it was somewhere here..." Hana mumbled.

"That doesn't matter... Don't do that next time, okay?" He touched her cheek gently, "I was worried about you."

"Okay..." Hana nodded, "I'm sorry, dad..."

"It's okay..." Kei smiled affectionately, "As long as you understand why you can't run off."

"I understand..."

Mizuki smiled at their sweet interactions as she admired her twin sons. It was quite a shock to Kei and Mizuki when their doctor told them that they were expecting fraternal twins. All of their family and friends were ecstatic for them, especially the Miya and Suzuki twins. The birthing process was messy and painful, to say the least, but afterward, Kei and Mizuki felt like they were floating on air. Their family continued to grow, and they loved every second of it.

Eventually, after an hour of unpacking, Kei, Mizuki, and Hana heard the babies babble and cry.

"Are they both awake?" Hana peeked inside the stroller.

"Both of them are, I think." Mizuki smiled as she picked up Kazuma.

Kei picked up Kazuto at the same time and gently cradled him.

"They're probably hungry," Kei murmured, "Can you get the bottles in the bag, Hana?"

"Yeah!" Hana eagerly unzipped the bag and grabbed the warm milk bottles.

Kei and Mizuki sat on the sofa as their daughter handed them the bottles.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He smiled.

"You're welcome!"

As the two fed their sons, Hana scrambled beside Kei and watched her brothers intently.

"I have a question..." Hana pursed her lips together thoughtfully.

"Yes?" Kei met her inquisitive gaze.

"Where do babies come from?" She asked, causing Kei and Mizuki to nearly choke, "I mean, I know they were in mama's stomach but where were they before that?"

"Oh... Um..." Mizuki blinked a few times, trying to formulate a way to explain to her daughter where babies come from.

"It's a complicated process..." Kei cleared his throat.

"Complicated? What does that mean?" Hana tilted her head to the side cutely.

"I mean, there are a lot of steps before a baby is made..." He explained slowly.

"What steps?" Hana asked.

"Kei..." Mizuki shook her head disapprovingly at her husband, "What your dad means to say is that babies come from when two people love each other..."

"But how?" Hana crossed her arms, "I don't get it..."

"When two people really care for each other, they can have a baby or babies, if they want..." Mizuki continued, bouncing around the true way of how to make a baby, "It's a special process."

"Uh-huh..." Hana murmured, "So if I love someone a lot, I can have a baby?"

"No." Kei answered instantly, causing Mizuki to stifle her laughter, "I-I mean... Yes... When you're all grown up, finished school, and have a job."

"Oh..." Their daughter nodded, "Then, how did you know that you loved mama, dad?"

Kei's face softened as his heart stirred blissfully.

"How about I tell you that story later tonight, before bedtime?" Kei smiled, his affectionate gaze meeting Mizuki's.

"Yeah!" Hana grinned ecstatically.

Mizuki chuckled lightly as she enjoyed her time with her husband and children. They were her whole world, and the fact that the universe blessed her with such a loving family felt surreal. Mizuki knew that if she hadn't met Tsukishima Kei, they still would've found their way to one another, somehow and someway.

"I love you, Kei." Mizuki murmured, causing his heart to flutter.

"... I love you too, princess." Kei smiled affectionately.

"I love chocolate." Hana chimed in.

Kei and Mizuki let out a small laugh at their daughter's silly comment.

This side of paradise was truly, truly something else, and they wouldn't have it any other way.


A/N: Thank you to everyone who's read, voted, and commented on this fic. I published this on October 25th, 2020, and I'm officially ending it on June 24th, 2021. I'd also like to thank you for reading this continuation of Pterodactyl, the very first fic I've ever written and posted on here. I hope this fic provided you with some domestic bliss and comfort. Tsukishima Kei and Tsukishima Mizuki will miss you, that's for sure!


Announcement: Make sure to read my new book: Devotion ft. Iwaizumi as a knight!


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