Chapter 6

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Sayuri allowed Angel to sleep until just before noon, at which point she reluctantly awoke the child. Angel had been slumbering like a baby and seemed very upset when her journey to dreamland was rudely halted. Sayuri couldn't blame her; she wanted to sleep forever and ever too but as the older one of the two, she was forced to be the responsible one. As Angel rubbed Sandman's dust out of her eyes, Sayuri fished homemade granola bars from one of their bags. The bars were filled with chocolate chips, peanuts, walnuts, dried cranberries, cardamom seeds, pumpkin seeds, and everything that was good for you. Sayuri was honestly surprised to see the chocolate considering how rare it was, but she supposed the severity of this mission warranted the allowance of the sweet.

Angel was grateful for the treat and wolfed down two, but Sayuri didn't feel hungry and lethargically nibbled her own granola bar. She barely finished one before she was hurrying Angel out the door.

Indigo Streak was dutifully waiting for Sayuri in the parking lot of the Seacove Inn. It was worn and janky as ever but its bright blue and violet paint was holding up. When Sayuri revved the engine, she was pleased at the whir that greeted her ears. She took a map out of Indigo Streak's singular compartment and tacked it in front of her. It was a map of Alpha City, with a single location marked and circled in bright red.

The agency of the one and only Sterling Asturias.

After making sure Angel was secure on her motorcycle, Sayuri knocked up the kickstand and sped off back onto the roads of Alpha City.

Sayuri had been conditioned to nighttime Alpha City so it was a breath of wonder to see the towering skyscrapers basking in the light of the sun. The sunlight reflected off the glass and everything was shining or glittering, sending sparkles into Sayuri's green eyes; she was grateful the visor of her motorcycle helmet had shading.

The Seacove Inn was surprisingly close to Sterling's private agency, and the girls arrived within fifteen minutes. It was more unassuming than Sayuri expected it to be. It was fancy enough to be worthy of Sterling Asturias but not flashy enough to make it noticeable. Rather, his name and the branding were labeled on a sign in the window.

Taking a deep breath, Sayuri squeezed Angel's hand in encouragement and walked in.

It was much like the Seacove Inn; there were chairs on the far side of the room and a line of computers and receptionists just to Sayuri's left. There were some plants, magazines for entertainment, tacky elevator music, a TV blaring commercials, and a long hall descending in the very back of the room.

"May I help you?" This lady was sourer than the Seacove receptionist from last night; Sayuri could tell just by the tone of her voice. "Are you here for an interview? Tryouts? An audition? I'm sorry, but you will have to schedule ahead online for all of those."

"I'm not here for any of that," Sayuri said. "This is the agency of Sterling Asturias, yes?" The receptionist raised her eyebrow.

"This is indeed one of them, yes."

"Is there any chance I could meet him in person? Sterling Asturias, I mean."

The lady blinked at Sayuri, clearly shocked. She looked over at her coworker, who shared an equal look of surprise on her face. Their thoughts were written all over their expressions: "Is this girl for real?"

"And why on Earth would you ever want to meet him in person?" the receptionist asked stiffly.

"I will disclose that to no one but Sterling himself," Sayuri said coolly.

"Who are you, a fan? Someone sent from the paparazzi or a journalist agency?"

"I don't know Asturias personally, but I would consider myself an acquaintance of his and of people close to him. I don't know him, but I do know of him." Sayuri was beginning to grow impatient. The receptionist then laughed.

"Kid, you're way out of your league. There is no way Sterling Asturias is going to come and meet you. Now scram."

"B-But!" Sayuri protested. "Surely there's a gap in his schedule! You can slot me in for less than five minutes! I just need to talk to him for a second! It's really important, please! I need to meet Sterling Asturias! This isn't about his music! He has to hear what I need to tell him!"

"No means no. Now leave."

"I'm begging you, please let me see Sterling Asturias. I have to meet him. I'm not a fan. I'm just a messenger. I have to talk to him."

"If you're going to be this insistent, I will not hesitate to call the security guards on you and have you deported to Omega for trespassing," the receptionist snapped back.

Go ahead, I dare you!

The words were at the tip of Sayuri's tongue but she held it in. Something within her screamed to punch something but she restrained herself. She was almost certain she could beat up whoever was thrown at her, but she had been warned.

But whatever you do, do not go or get yourself thrown into Omega.

This lady was dead serious; Sayuri could tell from the coldness of her voice. Loath as she was to do so, Sayuri couldn't take any chances so, despite her balled fist and the rage roaring inside her, she settled down. There was nothing she could do but turn on her heel and start marching out the door, even as Angel tugged on her shirt and looked up at her desperately. But a thought occurred to Sayuri and she halted herself right as she was a footstep outside. The receptionist clicked her tongue.

"I have one last question," Sayuri said.

"What is it!?" the lady snapped.

"Sterling... Is he having a concert or public event anytime soon?"

"He has a concert in three days. Now shoo."

Sayuri nodded and left Sterling's agency, getting out of the nasty ladies' hair. When she and Angel arrived in the parking lot, the little girl had taken to loosely gripping her older friend's hand while hanging her head miserably.

"...I guess we should have figured it would be hopeless," Angel said sorrowfully. "Why would the great Sterling Asturias bother with nobodies like us?" Sayuri sighed and leaned on Indigo Streak.

"Don't give up heart just yet," she told her friend.

"You have a plan?" There was a single spark in Angel's deep blue eyes.

"More like an idea," Sayuri said with a nod. "We're dead broke, so there's no way we can get a ticket, but you know how that lady said that Sterling had a concert in a few days?"


"It'll be a stretch, and it'll be risky, but I'm getting you to Sterling no matter what. We're sneaking into that concert and forcing ourselves into Sterling's life whether he likes it or not."

"Can you do it?" Angel asked anxiously. Sayuri smiled and ruffled Angel's bright yellow hair.

"You don't worry about a single thing. I'll be the one to get you to Sterling," Sayuri reassured her friend. "That's my mission. I'll make sure of it no matter what; I swore it to your parents, after all." She took a deep breath. "I'm Sayuri Kaede, a woman of many talents, and anything you ask, I can do. I can fight, climb, ride, and survive. I will complete this task. For your sake, Angel."

"Thank you, Sayuri!" the girl beamed, throwing herself into Sayuri's arms and wrapping the teen in a hug.

Sayuri smiled helplessly and patted Angel's head.

"You're very welcome, Miss Asturias." 

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