Continuous Mysteries

Start from the beginning

-She imagines a skateboard and leaves-

Clemont: She's nice, hmph -smiles-

Clemont: Ok, I at least learned some great information. Now I just need to imagine, think think think

-He thoughts up a notebook and pen-

Clemont: I did it, I'll use this to write my events here

-Clemont suddenly gets a strange feeling-

Clemont: huh? Am I imagining things? No, I definitely felt something -he stats heading in the direction where he gets this strange feeling-

-During this walk he sees many strange buildings and also documents strange things about the dream world. Many buildings are made of strange material, some are upside.-

Other things Clemont documented:

-More Gravity here

-No Oxygen

-Roaming Psychic and Ghost Pokémon

-Instant Healing

-Heighten senses


Clemont: -trips again- It's s-so hard to move

*This is Zodiac and I going to try and help you visualize this intense gravity a bit more*

*This is a Gravitron, if you even been on one of these while it's spinning this is exactly what Clemont is feeling all the time in the dream world

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*This is a Gravitron, if you even been on one of these while it's spinning this is exactly what Clemont is feeling all the time in the dream world. Obviously it is not a rocket science level feat to move in this space but since Clemont is not the athletic type in the first place it's a bit harder for him*

Clemont: -puffs- I got to also remember what that fake me said

"24 hours here is an hour in the real world."

Clemont: Ok from me entering rengoku to where I'm currently am now took nearly an hour

Clemont: Now I need to figure out how much time I spent in my dream with that fake me -he tries to remember but then get head migraine-

Clemont: This is no time for trauma Clemont -slaps his cheeks- Stay calm... -breaths in and out slowly-

-After a couple of minutes-

Clemont: Ok, An hour and a half have passed in the real world. At Least I can relax a little knowing time moves a lot faster here. My main objective is to gather information about the dream world for evidence for Fennel so she can't hurt herself anymore.

Clemont: -looks through the notebook again- I got more than enough information and I even imagined a camera and took some pictures.

-A couple of words and sentences roam his head that instant-

"Tengoku, Rengoku, Jigoku, Cresselia, Darkrai."

Clemont: -sighs- It's times like these that I hate my own mind. At the same time I can't escape these thoughts, I'm a scientist, I won't be satisfied with just this, I need to know more about the dream world! -stretches-

Clemont: Then it's settled!!!! I can't wait to tell Fennel, Ash and Burn-

-he realizes something-

Clemont: Wait, how do I get out of here -he tries to remember something that the fake Clemont or Elaine said-

Clemont: Damn I don't remember them saying anything about leaving this place!! Do I need another door or Pokémon to leave this place! -scrambles his hair- Crap!!!! I should have asked!!!

Clemont: I atleast know it's possible since the current Revolutionary leader Lobias came here for his famous Darkrai.....wait maybe do I need Cresselia to leave this place

Clemont: -he opens a new empty page of his notebook- Ok I assume Tobias used Darkrai to leave this place and Elaine said Darkrai and Cresselia ran 1 of the 3 domains of the dream world so it would make sense that they would be the only ones possible one's to get me out. Now what about this neutral place called Rengoku that I'm currently in, hmm...

Clemont: There's that and a little theory I need to prove about Fennel's weird past. She said she was found on a beach in the middle of the night. -he starts writing this all done- Then she said she saw Cresselia and somehow has one of her extremely rare wings. Now my question is how would she know of the dream world in the first place. -starts stroking his chin- Perhaps was she originally from this world? That would explain why she is so addicted to finding this place, no that can't be it, can it? From what Fennel, Elaine, and that fake me describe, it's like my conscience is in another plane of existence. Fennel said for me to escape my own dream my brain needs to be shut off, that's most likely true since I couldn't hear her voice after I walked through that door. Wait....but the only way her voice could have reached me if she used some sort of gadget or pokemon. Let me think -he focus something in his mind and a magazine appears-

Clemont: -he sees Fennel with a pokemon on the cover- That's it!! She has a musharna, musharna is the dream pokemon so it's perfect for her. Wait then she should still be able to talk to me even in Rengoku, that leaves only one option. -he imagines a map that he was working on while walking- Fennel is in Rengoku, that must be the feeling I was getting. She finally reached it!! Fantastic. I can't wait to tell her all of this! -imagine's a marker in his hand- Ok I appeared here and I got that feeling a few minutes after I appeared. That means she already knows about most of the things in this world -turns depressed- I wanted to see the look on her face myself... -sighs-  Welp no getting depressed now, I can maybe learn about Tobias, SIr Aaron, and more about Darkrai and Cresselia.

-Clemont remembers something from 6 years ago-

Clemont: -currently writing- Ok then he should...

Ash: You know Clemont, you have a habit of talking to yourself

Clemont: -jumps up- Huh? What? I don't talk to myself!?

Red: Na he's right, it's understandable since you're a loner 

Clemont: Look who's talking Red!!

Ash: HaHa! I think it's cute

Clemont: Ash you literally do the same thing

Ash: I do?

Clemont: Yes!!

Ash: -pats his back- Well silly me

Clemont: Ow....don't hit me, you're too strong!!

-back to reality-

Clemont: Fun times alright

Clemont: I'm not sure at all about that. I need to find that Elaine girl again and ask her more

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