"Hai!" We answered.

"Good. Daiski, you're going in the cave beside dark shadow. See what you can find out." Nodding Kichirou ran off to the cave that suddenly appeared. It was Pixie-Bob's doing I realized. "Back to the lake for you. Surround yourself in the cold waters and find a way to even out your temperature once more. I noted earlier the heat in your flames have increased which means that your ice and extreme cold things hurt more, yes?"


"Then try to lessen the fire with the cold. Don't freeze yourself though. And I understand that you acquired part of the shadow quirk as well. We'll touch on that later. For now go do the tasks I've given and remember. When I say it's over. It's over."

"Hai! Sensei!" I jogged off waving to Shoto as I passed. He looked tired but he still waved back. "You can do it, Shoto!" I gave a thumbs up before hurrying away when I saw Bakugou about to release an explosion.

I heard it making my body freeze. I held my breath counting to ten before letting it out and continuing. With my heartbeat steady again I quickly got rid of my jacket and jumped into the water.


"Like we said, the pampering ended yesterday!" Pixie-Bob yelled smiling happily.

"That was pampering?" Kichirou scoffed.

"Wanna eat then cook for yourselves! Today is curry!" Ragdoll announced after.

"Sami, you can cook, right?" Kichirou turned to me. I snorted.

Iida went off into a rant before announcing that we should start to cook.

"Peel the potatoes will you?" I passed some to Kichirou as I began to chop some of the carrots.

"Huh?! Asami-chan you can cook?!" I looked up nodding.

"Wah! Bakugou and Asami are great with knives!"

"How the fuck can you be bad with knives!?"

"You'd be surprised..." Kichirou huffed making us smile.

"Hehe, Ryu was terrible at anything in the kitchen."

"Knives are included." We laughed softly to ourselves.

"You guys are gonna make me cry!" Hagakure sobbed.

"G, Gomen??" We sweat dropped.

"Oh? Asami-chan, can you light this fire before Bakugou blows up the oven again, please?" Sero begged. I giggled going over and lighting it for them.

"Your flames blue now huh? Had an upgrade didn't you brat?!" Bakugou harshly ruffled my hair.

"Pretty right?"

"Not as pretty as mine!" I giggled.

Soon enough everyone sat eating. I was watching in amusement as Jiro beat Sero for the way he described Yaomomo's quirk like poop when Kichirou nudged me. He motioned to Kota, who was also being followed by Midoriya.

Nodding we stood up with our plates and followed the two.

"I bet you're hungry. Here's a plate for you." Midoriya's voice rang a bit further up from us

"You-! How'd you know I was here?" Kota followed up sounding slightly further away.

"Oh, gomen. I followed your footprints. Thought you might want some food."

"Nope. Don't want it. Like I said, I don't feel like fraternizing with you people. So get away from my secret base." I giggled as Kichirou rolled his eyes.

"That brat..." I shushed him and we listened to the two talk.

Listening to the two it was obvious Kota didn't hate heroes alone. He hated the quirk society. Midoriya had began to describe a friend of his who was quirkless and just like our Momo and Aoi they struggled daily too. But to me the way he described it...was like describing himself...

Mm, was he like Momo? Did he get his quirk late?

As Midoriya was passing back he jumped when he saw us. We placed out fingers by our lips telling him to keep quite. He nodded and we have him a smile.

"Don't take to heart what he says too much. He doesn't hate you, he's just scared and angry."

"That brat thinks all people who have quirks especially the ones close to him, will die. He just doesn't know how to ask for help yet." Kichirou rolled his eyes.

"I see...you two must feel the same way then, about heroes?" Midoriya frowned.

"I will admit...I no longer see them in the light as I once had. Heroes...not all of them should be heroes." (a/n: I wonder who you guys think said that?)

"I think most of them are a waste of time. They stood there too scared to jump in cause a villain seemed stronger than they are. Tch. So they only play hero when the time is necessary but if their lives get thrown in. They give up." Kichirou sighed

"Or they wait it out...like they did us..." Midoriya frowned emotions running through his eyes and the most prominent, sadness.

"Don't think too hard Midoriya. We hope that when you guys are heroes your class would be amongst those who can truly call themselves heroes." He smiled at me nodding.

"Right. We're going to Kota. If Sho-nii asks tell him we're fine." Nodding we walked up the rest of the mountain.

"So annoying..." Kota was grumbling to himself.

"You're the annoying one you brat!" He jumped again spinning to see us


"You didn't think you can hide from us did you? Adorable." I smiled and we sat down.

"Sit down and eat before it gets cold, stubborn."

"I'm not stubborn, or c,cute!"

"You are. Now eat. You can yell all you want after." Kota huffed but sat between us picking up his plate and began eating.


Isn't Kota adorable? Ha. I wish he and Eri met in the anime, especially since he was there during the festival. It would have been one Hella of an interaction.

I also realized...today is Izuku's birthday! I feel like I should do a special where he, Shoto and Asami have a day with Midoriya showing the two more things they didn't know about cause. Endeavor.

Meh. Maybe next time. Ja!

Todoroki's Little SisterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz