Clearly still a little hesitant, Rumi slowly turned around and peeked at the mirror.

Her caramel skin was now a striking light purple, and her white hair was now jet black. The most amazing part was how Rumi's face had been completely changed. Gone were her normally sharply defined facial features, now replaced with softer features that one would find on someone who did not relentlessly train their body. Her red eyes were now jade green, and her bionic arm looked almost perfectly human. To top it all off, Rumi's normally tall and skinny ears were now fluffier and more akin to a fox.

With her jaw agape in amazement, Rumi stepped closer to the mirror and inspected her new appearance. "Holy shit Izuku! I...I look totally different! I thought this stuff would be annoying to have on, but I can barely feel any of it! I mean even my ears still move and everything!"

Nodding proudly, Izuku put away the appearance alteration items and closed the briefcase. "Like I said, Cassandra knows her stuff. Now that nobody will recognize you, are you ready to go on a date like normal couples do?"

Her face lighting up with happiness and excitement, Rumi stopped inspecting herself and gleefully bounced out of the spacious bathroom. "Fuck yes! Let's go Izuku!"

Getting dragged out to the living room by his exuberant lover, Izuku smiled happily as Rumi swept Cassandra up into a tight hug. Meanwhile, Miyu's jaw was hanging open as she stared incredulously at Rumi's new kitsune appearance.

"Thank you so much Cassandra!" Rumi said loudly as she gave the singer a back-breaking bearhug.

Laughing in amusement but wincing slightly, Cassandra waited for Rumi to put her back down before replying.

"Your welcome Miruko." Cassandra said warmly. "I am glad I could help."

"Oh no you don't!" Rumi said with an excited smile on her face. "We are friends now, you call me by my actual name. Not my job name."

Laughing softly at Rumi's exuberance, Cassandra nodded. "Understood Rumi, I will have Miyu send you my number as well."

Izuku was about to comment on needing to buy two slices of carrot cake, but before he could get a single word out Rumi had dragged him out of the hotel room and over to the elevator.

"What should we do first?" Rumi said like a kid arriving at an amusement park. "Walk in the park? Get some crepes? Get one of those ridiculous couple drink thingies at a restaurant? Maybe go to a photo booth? God, I wanna do so many things!"

With Rumi practically vibrating in excitement, Izuku chuckled as the elevator doors opened. "We have the whole day to do all the generic couple stuff we want. Go crazy."

Exiting the hotel, Rumi's first request was a nearby shopping mall.

"Because I want to go clothes shopping with you." She had explained to Izuku. "I wanna pick out some clothes for you."

Happy to do whatever his girlfriend wanted, Izuku drove them to the shopping mall and led Rumi inside. Stepping into the crowded indoor plaza, Izuku held Rumi's hand and guided her towards the nearest clothing store.

If he was being honest, Izuku was having fun just watching Rumi's reactions. From walking while holding hands, to pushing their way through big crowds, Rumi looked like she was having a blast the entire time.

Walking into the clothing store, Izuku watched as Rumi navigated her way to the men's clothing section and began picking out clothes. For half an hour, Izuku indulged his girlfriend and tried on a wide variety of clothes. If he was being honest, Rumi did not have much fashion sense. The majority of the clothes he tried on appeared to be of the aggressively stylish design, and he eventually always ended up looking like a bouncer or a tacky generic musclehead.

Life is Simple, Love is Not (Izuku x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now