
25 1 0

Noelani Edwards

I woke up and turned off my alarm, walking into the bathroom and turning on the shower. I stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower letting the warm water hit my body. After washing myself and drying off,  put on a big crimson hoodie and some jeans shorts. I slip on my AF1's and threw my backpack over my shoulder. I walked out of our room and went into the kitchen to see Hayley making pancakes.

"Hey boo" I say as I sit on the barstool.

"Heyy, how'd you sleep?" she says.

"I slept alright. How about you?" I say grabbing an apple off the counter.

"I slept ok." she says sighing.

"You sure, you came back later than usual."

"yea, just lost track of time.. pancakes are ready." she says handing me a plate.

"Thanks" I say getting ready to eat my pancakes. She sits on the other side of me and puts the syrup on the counter. I pour the syrup on my pancakes and began eating. Not too long after Destiny and Kaysie got themselves a plate and sat with us.I finished and put my plate and fork in the sink. I threw my backpack over my shoulders, said by to the girls and went off to class. My first class was boring asl and so was my second. Luckily I'm in the last class of the day but after this I have to go to work and since I'm working over-time I doubt I'm gonna be able to get any sleep.

Mrs. Winkleberry was finishing up the lesson and I was already packed and ready to go. The bell rung and I was up and out of the door. I walked to my dorm and when I got in I seen Leo and three other boys sitting on the couch with, destiny , kaysie and Hayley. I walked past and went into Kaysie and I's room closing the door. I got into the shower, washing myself off. I wrapped the towel around myself walking into my room. I put on a black racer back and a pair of short black shorts. I slip on my black low-top convers and curl my hair since the girls decided that once I get off were gonna stay a little bit longer and have drinks. I put on some light makeup and some lip-gloss and grab a black dress and some nude heels, putting it into my bag. I walk out of the room and go into the kitchen, as I turn around i see everyone looking at me.

"What?" I say.

"Nothing." they all say in unison making me roll my eyes.

"Ok well I'm going to work now, one of yall call or text me when yall are otw." I say walking out of the door, down to the lobby. I get in my car driving to work. I go through the back door, and go behind the bar starting my shift.


Destiny texted me saying they were on the way and since my shift just ended, I walk into the ladies room and pull on my dress and heels. I fix my hair and walk out looking around for the girls. I see them but as I look closer I see Leo and his friends. I didn't know that they were going to be here but hey the more the merrier I guess. I walk to over to them and we talk for a bit and take a few shots and before i know it im drunk and I almost bust my ass trying to stand on the counter, luckily one Leo's friends caught me. The last thing i remember was being carried out and everything went black after that.

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