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I finialy woke from the pain of the death of my parents. They were so close to me, so loving, so happy, they didn't argue at all, not one bit. I miss my mother waiting by the door on my home from school, always the same, her and her bouncy dresses and smile was their every day, sometimes when she was in a particular good mood she would open the door before I got to the porch.

My dad wasnt quite as lively but the first thing in the morning he would come in wake me up gently and ruffle my hair till it fell over my eyes and wouldn't stay still, this happend a lot. He would help me with my homework and we would all go out on fammily walks and bike rides to see who would get the muddiest.

I wake from my daze under bright illuminating lights to find men in white coats. I was first reminded of the lab at school, and immediatly assumed that I was going to be amputated like a dead frog, forgotten and abandoned. I started to scream, I need to tell them I am alive and can't be torn apart like tissue paper. I draw attention and a tall man comes over still slightly blurred and spinning and takes out a long spike which he injectes into my arm. I scream no, and I fall back into a sleepy daze

Death SentenceWhere stories live. Discover now