B.B. Gunne

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B.B.GUNNE with only four fingers on his right hand, was a hired assasin. Some say he cut off one of his fingers so it would hold a machette and gun with ease and presision. He is a most wanted criminal in many contries, and has a bounty on his head in most of asisa.

Gunne didn't suddenly turn bad for no reason, he had always been like it, even as a baby he had no emmotions, he didn't cry like other babies nor smile or giggle. By the time Gunne was the age of four he had swung a machette with so much power he had chopped down a small tree and had strangled the cat.

Towards the end of the Crimean war, a few people had held a secret meeting wich was based in his house (his parents were involved) to plot against their leader. He thought of the idea but soon turned everyone, including his parents, over to the police. After questioning, these people were shot in the head. Whilst his parents pleaded to be forgiven Gunne just stood and watched with no sign of emmotion an his face at all.

Now, however he happened to be in the south of greece, living in a villa by the beach. This was no coincidence that one of the world biggest buisness sucsessor happend to be arriving the next day, in fact he had a highly secure meeting with him.

'Good evening Mr. Gunne' said a large man with an expensive suit and gold rimmid black tie. He had a diamond encrusted silver ring on his left index wich he keeps tugging without really knowing, he has jet black hair curved over from the right side of his head and a slightly disorted face. This was Mr. Finnigan, one of if not the most important buisniss men in the world.

'good evening, to you Mr. Finnigan' Gunne replied with a trace of haste, he wanted to get down to buisness however Finnigan wssn't like that at all, he was a slow goer

'right....right....so you recieived my message then did you'

'yes mr. Finnigan however am only obliged to accept your offer of hiring me with a pay rise since being a hired assasin isn't the easiest to live by'

'okay' the buisniss man muttered with some what of a confuesed face.'i say a rise of £2,000...'

Gunne almost got close to a chuckle and replied with a answer of £10,000.


And Gunne left the room quickly and scurried out of the building, however Mr.Finigan sat quite still on the plush sofas and sipped his tea.

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