Chapter Six Early Morning Blues

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Ray’s POV~

Early Morning Blues

Chapter Six

I woke up with a hint of sunshine peeking through the balcony door. Sitting up, I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was only 9:00 am. I turned to Mikey’s bed and looked for him, but he was gone. Did he even sleep in the room last night? Oh god! I have been acting strange around him, so it’s no wonder he didn’t sleep in here.

I got out of the bed to the smell of pancakes, walking down the hall and shaking out my fro, I looked around for the smell.

When I got to the kitchen, I saw Gerard flipping pancakes and the rest of them washing and putting away plates. I didn’t know Gerard could cook?

“GOOD MORNING MY LITTLE RAY OF SUNSHINE! Here I made you some pancakes, we know how much you love them” Gerard said in a sarcastic sassy tone.

I looked down at the plate in disgust, I wasn’t hungry AT ALL. “I’m not hungry but thanks though” I said pushing the plate away. 

Everyone turned to me as if I said something crazy or shocking….

“Ray…did you just say…you weren’t hungry…what about cupcakes...I bought you some” Bob said confused

“Yeah…I’m not hungry I don’t want anything no pancakes...No cupcakes...nothing at all!” I said closing my eyes and shaking my head. 

Everyone gasped, Frank almost broke a plate.

Gerard went up to me and pulled me aside, “Ray are you okay? You haven’t eaten yesterday at all and you haven’t eaten to day…are you sick?” he asked

“Not sick, just not hungry god Gerard!” I replied

“RAY are you stressed, you look tired and depressed, you haven’t looked like this in a week or two Ray are you okay?” he said with a motherly concerning voice.

I sighed; actually I was stressed, just like last time, a few weeks ago. I was stressing over self-esteem issues and being loved or respected. No one knows I struggle like this…no one except Mikey…the only one I feel comfortable with;

~Flashback~ (2 weeks ago) ~

“Ray, what’s wrong? You haven’t been smiling”

“I do smile Mikey, see *Smiles big* I just got early morning blues you know.”


“Okay fine…I feel like I’m underestimated or un loved. I don’t feel like I’m loved at all Mikey by anyone anymore.

“Ray that’s crazy talk! We all love you! OUR fans love you, Gerard and Frank loves you, Bob loves you…”

“What about you?”

“Yes Ray I love you too! I love you more than I should honestly…and I will always love you”


“Yes, yes I promise…you are amazing, nice, smart and talented…you are also handsome so perky up my friend I hate seeing you so sad.”

*hugs him tightly*

“RAY! You’re doing it, your blanking out again “Gee said snapping me out of my thoughts once again.

“OH I’m sorry, I-I was just thinking…” I said looking to the ground blushing and trying to shake the distant memory out of my head.

“That’s the problem, what do you even think about?” he asked

I mumbled under my breath quietly “Mikey”

“What?” he said moving in closer to hear me better.


Everyone’s eyes were on me like I have gone insane. I rolled my eyes and went to my room, slamming the door hard.

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