" Hello?."

" Luh?..."

" Yes it's me. What's wrong?." He sounds like he was running and there is so much noise where he is.

" There was an accident. The car just came out of nowhere and hit them." He's talking so fast but i hear what he is saying then I hear the  police sirens. I put the phone on speaker.

" Love listen." my husband sits up.

" Mbuyiselo who got into an accident?."

" They were all in the car oh God! The car just hit them."

" Who was in the car mbuyi talk."

" My father, aunty owami, her husband then Alice and Angela." what?

" Oh my God!." I say and hold my head.

" No Angela is here. She didn't leave with owami." he says looking at me.

" She was mbuso. Owami took her by force and left with her. The car hit them and.....We are on our way to the hospital now! Please come I will send you the location. Mbuyiselo hangs up. My husband sighs.

" I asked them to leave her behind."

" I left her in the living room eating when I came here. Owami must have came back and took her. Oh my God mbuso what if this is the death that is coming. Someone dying?." He gets up and takes my hand.

" I will only be hurt if Angela dies. The rest of them I don't care. Fuck my brother." I nod. Busani is going to be crushed if he already knows. 

When we get into the living room it seems like everyone already knows. My father in-law is hugging Busani who is crying. I don't see my mother in-law anywhere. I think she went to her bedroom.

" He just sent me the hospital they are in. Lets go." my husband says.

" I don't think I'm needed there. I'll stay here at home and you will let me know how things are. I want to check on Mah.

" Ok love." He gives me a kiss.

" I'm going to go with them just in case." My aunt says.

" Thank you aunty." All of them leave including my dad.

This day has just been too much for all of us and now this happens. God I hope nothing happens to Angela. I wanted to go to the hospital but something is preventing me from going there and I don't know why. I go outside and help sis nonto pack the remaining things back to the boxes until we are done.

I keep checking my phone hoping to hear from my husband cause it's been an hour since they left. We put the boxes in the garage and then we go to the kitchen and I help them wash the dishes. Sis tried to stop be but I couldn’t cause my mind was just too pre-occupied and I have this dreading feeling of something. Like something really bad is going to happen. What could be worse than them being in the hospital though. I guess it's them dying.

 I make tea then sit down. The nanny comes with sboniso and he runs to me when he sees me. I sit him infront of me in the kitchen island and look at him. He's watching me too and not saying anything. I kiss him and he laughs. Next week is their birthday and I haven't even planned what I'm going to do. They have never had a birthday party before and they deserve it.

I take his food from his nanny and feed him. He eats until he's done.

" Baby?."

" Mommy."

" Are you okay?."  he nods. " Are you sick?." He shakes his head.

" Where's his brother?."

" He's playing sis lungi. He said he wasn't hungry."  I nod. My phone rings and it's my husband.