An office lady had come into the classroom, and behind her was a police officer. He had asked for me and brought Chace along with us. When we got into the hallway, the office lady had shut the door, and led us to a room where she left Chace, the police officer and I alone. 

I remember the police officer and how he took his hat off slowly and began to play with it in his hands. His face was sad, and eyes full of concern. 

"I've asked you to come here because I have some news to deliver for you. Bethany, I am sad to inform you that in the past hour, you're parents have died." His voice gets shakey at the end and my entire body feels faint. 

"They have been associated in what we are calling a murder, though your parent's press people have told everyone that it was a simple car accident. This is not the case. The breaks in the car would chopped down on, making it impossible to stop the car at a high traveling speed. Since you are of age to legally live on your own and support yourself, you will be allowed to take care of yourself." Every word started to make my throat want to close up. 

"I'm so sorry for your loss. This should never happen to a child, and I'm so sorry that I had to be the one to tell you. Your grandfather is flying in to see you and help get you on your feet. My condolances Ms. Smith." 

He gives me a small hug before walking out the door, leaving Chace and I in a room by ourselves. I feel myself sitting against a wall, slowly sliding down till my butt meets the ground. 

"There's gotta be cameras in here. This is some kinda sick prank isn't it?" I say out loud, hoping someone will rush in with a microphone telling me I got pranked, but no one comes. I'm stuck here in the middle of a room wondering what the hell just happened. 

"Bethany." I watch as Chace stares at me like I'm a piece of danty glass. He thought that anything could break me, but what he didn't realize yet, was that I was already broken. 

There were tears streaming down my face and shaking raking through my body. I was in so much pain from trying to calm the burning feeling in my chest from crying, that I fell over on the floor. I fell and I laid there motionless for God knows how long until darkness had over come me. 

When I woke up, I was in Chace's bedroom, wrapped in his duvet. He was sitting against the headboard, playing with my hair. It was dark out, so I didn't know if it was really late or really early, but either way, I wished I was still asleep so that I didn't have to remember what happened with this.

"Did it really happen?" I ask him quietly. He took a few seconds to respond, and that gave it away more than anything. 

"I'm so sorry." 

"Chace, I don't have parents anymore." I tell him, the realization hitting me more than it had before. "I have to take care of myself now.... I'm all alone." Tears were streaming down my face again, and soon I was taken into Chace's arms and sitting in his lap as I tried to cry the tears away. 

"You're never going to be alone, Bethany. I'm always going to be here." 


It was a few days later and I remember walking to my parents' lawyers building with my grandpa after the funeral. We were both quiet, and both of us were flushed from the tears we had shed during the service. I didn't understand why we had to come an hour after I had said goodbye to my parents for the last time, but apparently the will was important to them, and something that needed to be addressed ASAP.

I remember how dark the place was. The dark cherry would was all around us, sinking us in with its powerful scent. The walls were a dark maroon color making the only bright source of light the windows along the walls. There was a big desk in front of us with a man behind it. He was older, maybe around 60 with dark grey hair and dried wrinkly skin. His eyes stood out though. They were a light brown color, almost golden when I think about it. 

Trust Me (A Harry Styles Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now