Chapter 1

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This is the world of Miitopia.

It is a world where every Mii can live in peace and harmony. Or at was.

The darkness came without warning....a great and terrible shadow threatening all of Miitopia! An unspeakably evil fiend started stealing everyone's faces! 

And then, to add insult to injury, the fiend gave the faces to monsters! Without a hero to save them, Miitopia would surely be doomed.

However, just as suddenly, a hero appeared.

Or so we think....

*    *    *    * head. 

I groaned quietly, finally starting to regain consciousness. I placed a hand on the back of my head, feeling the previous pain begin to fade away quickly. 

"Damn....someone knock me out or something?" 

I know not a lot of people like me, so something like that is expected. But the last thing I remember was just walking down the hallway, to my dorm room. And then....and then....what happened next? All I can remember past that is a bright light. I sighed, dropping my hand from my head and gently petting the grass. 

Wait....what the fuck? Grass?

That's when I finally snapped my eyes open, immediately sitting up. I wasn't prepared for what I saw. I didn't see the school or the dorm building, or even the giant dome that prevented escape. Instead, my eyes were introduced to a beautiful grassy field, with occasional rocks around. The sky was a bright blue, with fluffy clouds dancing in the sky. The sight was so surreal, and beautiful....there's no way I could suddenly be here. 

"Am I dreaming....?" I pinched myself on the arm, and yelped.

"Ow! Okay, not dreamin- whoa!" 

That's when I noticed I was in different clothes! It seemed like I was wearing a long sleeve shirt, which had a light brown color and a red collar. Underneath I had red shorts, and a simple pair of brown slip on shoes. It was....a very lame outfit. Way worse than the outfit I usually wear.

"Why the hell is this shitty outfit on me?" I muttered. I looked around, trying to see if I could spot any of the others around. But it looks like it was just me. 

"Okay, I guess I'm on my own." I muttered. I stood up and brushed the grass off me, then placed my hands on the back of my head casually. There wasn't a lot I could really do except wander around, maybe find some people who could answer my questions. I strolled down the path and kept going straight, continuing to enjoy the sight of the environment around me. At the very least, I'm glad I'm in a place that doesn't seem dangerous. In fact, it seems pretty damn peaceful here. 

"Can't say this is a bad spot to be in. It's pretty nice." I said to myself. I even saw a group of pink butterflies fluttering nearby, making me pause and look at them. Even they seemed to be at ease. I think I could get use to this-

A glowing light above me caught my eye, and I looked up. That's when I blinked, confused by what I saw.

"What the fuck....?" 

I am not lying when I saw I actually saw a pair of brown eyes floating this way, staring at us. I stared at it for a moment and looked at my hand. 

"Am I high? What drugs did I take?" I said. Only problem being I've never taken drugs before, so this made even less sense. The eyes joined the butterflies, floating around them aimlessly. However, eventually they slowed down in front of one butterfly....and suddenly they placed themselves on the butterfly's wings. Suddenly the butterfly got bigger, flapped more aggressively....and looked right at me.

Miitopia Vol 1Where stories live. Discover now