Praise for Golden Light

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WINNER in the 2022 International Readers' Favorite Book Awards

WINNER of the 2022 Global Book Awards: Bronze in Fantasy Action & Adventure

WINNER of the 2021 International Best Indie Book Award: Supernatural/Mythological/Paranormal Genre

Finalist in the 2021 American Fiction Awards: Fantasy

Readers' Favorite Gives 5 Stars and this enticing review!


Golden Light is a work of fiction in the fantasy, adventure, and mythological fiction subgenres, and was penned by author Anne MacReynold. The work is intended for the general adult reading audience and works as a parallel tale to Red Sand, the first book in The Creations Saga. Our protagonist is Lucifer, who finds himself awakened amidst the chaos of Earth, but is called away from his base desire to hunt by a female figure seeking protection from the First Man. What results is a very engrossing tale of desire, passion, trials, and triumphs that is sure to keep readers turning the pages from cover to cover.

Author Anne MacReynold has crafted a most engrossing work of fiction that takes a fresh and original look at the characters from the traditional biblical tale and really dives into the most interesting aspects of their psyches. The work certainly encouraged me to seek out Red Sand so that I can also see it all from Lilith's perspective too. The author creates a sensually rich mood with the attention to detail in their atmospheric language, setting a suspenseful and mistrustful air with lexical and descriptive choices that inform both the characters and the plot as it progresses forward. I particularly enjoyed the arc of Lucifer's struggle throughout the story and his battle between domination and longing was realistically portrayed and very psychologically detailed. Overall, I would certainly recommend Golden Light to fans of highly atmospheric descriptions, intense interpersonal drama, and mythos and magic enthusiasts everywhere.

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