Start over

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Finally the words I've been keeping for Sana is already been said. I'm happy about the outcome that we're still inlove with each other even though we parted ways for over a year.

After we talked about the serious stuff, we wiped our tears and hugged each other. Then we held hands and watched the moon as it reflected on the beautiful sea.
Y/N: Sana? I have question
Sana: What is it Y/N?
Y/N: Do you.. somehow want a start over?
Sana: What do you mean about that? (She said as she faced me)
Y/N: Ummm.. you know like couples (I whispered the last word)
Sana: What was that? I can't hear you (giggles)
Y/N: You already heard it!! Ya! Stop teasing me!!
While covering my face, I felt a warm lips on my cheeks. I slowly remove my hands and looked at Sana wearing her precious and most beautiful smile.
Sana: I would gladly want and love to start over with you Y/N!
Sana: YES!!! I LOVE YOU Y/N!!

I then jumped and carried her, she shouted with joy then I hugged her tightly. She then hugged me back while the other hand is caressing my hair.
Y/N: I love you Sana. I'm glad that we've started over.
Sana: I love you the most Y/N.
I looked at her without breaking the hug, I smiled as I tucked in the hair covering her face. The aspects on her face is totally perfect, the way she wears her smile could make a boy fall for her, her eyes and lips, her beautiful straight nose. It's all perfect.

After we stroll around the boardwalk while holding each other's hand the time wasn't with us anymore. It's time to go home since it's pretty late at night and we all know idols needs beauty rest. So it's time for Sana to go home and take rest even though she still doesn't want go go home because she wants to spend more time with me, I still insisted to drive her home since I'm also considerate for her rest.

We could still talk at the car since we have an hour long drive towards her dorm. So without hesitation we quickly enter the car. I buckled her sit-belt for more safety ride hole, as I pull the sit-belt she then took a kiss without me noticing. So I returned it, then she got shocked and blushed. As I return to my seat she started playfully hitting my arm.

As I were driving Sana was sleeping, well how could this girl be so cute while sleeping huh? If I could just pinch and bite her cheeks I WOULD GLADLY DO IT. But my baby squirrel must take a rest, this girl does really have something. She doesn't want to go home cause she wants to spend time with me, now that she has an hour she just slept.

Sana was sleeping beautifully, The stop light was on red so as I were taking my time waiting for the green light I put my jacket on her to cover her since it's cold. Then it turned green I then took my free hand and hold Sana's hand.

After an hour drive, we finally arrived at their dorm. I tried waking Sana up but she's sleeping peacefully and I don't want to ruin her sleep. So I carried her bridal style, I was on the front porch as I rang the doorbell. Then it opened revealing Jihyo.
Jihyo: OMO! What happened?
Y/N: She fell asleep on the way here, may I ask where is her room?
Jihyo: Follow me, I'll show it to you.

Jihyo then showed me Sana's room, it shows really her personality. It's somehow clean and really arranged, I slowly placed Sana on her bed while I supported her head with my arm as soon as I take my arm off she quickly grabbed my shirt and pulled me.
Sana: Y-Y/N.. please stay.. (she said while her eyes are still shut)
Jihyo: You can stay here if you wanted to spend time with her.
Y/N: I can't Jihyo noona, I still have flight tomorrow night I still need to get ready.
Jihyo: Oh really? What about Sana? Does she knows?
Y/N: N-Not yet tho, can you do me a favor noona? Can you atleast tell her tomorrow?
Jihyo: Y-Yeah! Sure thing Y- I mean Park!
Y/N: Thank you Noona!

I slowly grabbed and removed Sana's hand and placed it safely on her side. I then placed a kiss on her forehead as I exited and closed the door of her room. On the way out, I thanked everyone who was still up waiting for me to exit.

As soon as I open the car door Jihyo called me. Then I looked back.
Jihyo: Park?!
Y/N: Y-Yes?
Jihyo: It's good you're back. I'm happy for you and Sana
Y/N: It's good to be back Jihyo.

I then waved at her and entered the car and drove on the way to my house. Everything seems to get back now, it's slowly going back like I wanted to. Sana and I is back while her members are there supporting and shipping us back again. I miss this feeling, the feeling of love.

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