New Student

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I still can't believe how stupid I am on trusting and saving Sana, now look at me still bothered by her. Just because I protected her from her freak boyfriend doesn't mean I like her, she's just stupid on wanting a guy like that!

It's early in the morning and my brothers are still sleeping because they were at bar last night. So I decided to just go to school and eat there, I'm done taking a bath and changing my clothes so I rushed to get my bag and headset and then goes out of the house.

While walking the Twice girls were laughing and talking out loud while Sana on the other hand isn't talking at all, I just shrugged it off and went to my class.

First thing I do is get important things for my class and then I directly go to my seat at the back and when I get to my seat I just stare outside and do nothing this time it's different, I'm excited. My two feet couldn't stay still and they are just like playing by there own-selves.

After a minute of staring at the window our teacher comes in.

Ms. Hwang: Good morning students, well I want all of you guys to meet our new student she's born and raised in Australia! (She said gesturing the door)

Rosé opens the door and all of the boys directly became hooked, their heads directly went 360 when they saw Rosé.

Rosé: Annyeonghaseyo! I am Park Chaeyoung and please call me Rosé. Please take care of me! (Bows than wave)
Ms. Hwang: Okay Rosé you can choose where you want to sit and then we should start our class when you've chosen one. (She said gesturing open sits)
Rosé: I want to sit with Y/N at the back! (She said pointing at the vacant seat at my side)

When she mentioned my name all of the eyes turns to me with a angry look. Well it's not my fault to have a beautiful bestfriend.

Ms. Hwang: Okay please sit down over there and then we'll get started (she said gesturing the seat beside me)
Rosé: Kamsahanmida! Ms. Hwang! (She said happily)

Well she sat beside me and we do the stuff that we do when we were kids, joke around, wrap her hands around my arm, laugh together, it's like we have our own world. I didn't realize that I was laughing and now all of my classmates look at me with a suspicious look.


It's already break time and Rosé and I will eat together. We were about to reach the cafeteria but Ms. Hwang called me to her office so Rosé will be eating alone.

At Ms. Hwang's office

Ms. Hwang: So Y/N why did you not go to the detention yesterday? Do you want to get more than just a detention?
Y/N: Ms. Hwang let me ex- (I was cut by Sana beside me)
Sana: It's my fault Ms. Hwang (she said while her head is down)
Y/N: Stop Sana... (I said whispering)
Sana: It's okay, it's my debt because you saved me (she replied and showed a fake smile)
Ms. Hwang: You may go now Y/N, Sana and I will discuss more further. (She said gesturing the door)
Y/N: No let me- (she cuts me again)
Sana: Just go Y/N (she said grabbing my hand)

So I did what she want me to do but as soon I grab the doorknob I hit my head with my own hand, turns around, and shouted at Ms. Hwang.


Two of them turned around with a shocked look while Ms. Hwang decided to let me and Sana out of the detention because I was being considerate of someone's life.

After we got out of Ms. Hwang's office, Sana is slowly walking while her head is down. It was awkward but I have to break the ice. I was about to say something but she cuts me...

Sana: Thank you Y/N (she said faking a smile)
Y/N: It's fine (i replied in a cold tone)
Sana: About the day I left you at the park, I am sorry about that. I was fetched by the girls so that's why I left (she said still walking slowly)
Y/N: Don't think about it, it's fine (I replied with a cold tone again)
She suddenly grabs me so we stopped walking.
Sana: Can we meet after class? (She said still grabbing my wrist)
Y/N: mM-Me? (I said stuttering)
Sana: Yes! Can't you see we're the only people here (she said as she chuckled)

I didn't say anything, it's the first time seeing her laugh because of me. I shouldn't get attached but let me give it a try.

Sana: Silence means yes! See you later! (She said as she walk away of me smiling)
Y/N: YAH! Unfair! (I said shouting)

Well I guess I need to go since I don't have anything to do and I still have a lot of time so why not? Maybe she's a really good to hang out with.


It's already the end of the class and now I HAVE to hangout with Sana well I hope I have a good time with her and I hope that somehow take away this awkwardness between us.

While walking towards my locker with Rosé beside me, she asked me...
Rosé: So what are your plans today?? (She said while opening her locker)
Y/N: I gotta go out with Sana (i said as I close my locker)
Rosé: Sana?! You have a girlfriend?! Y/N! Why didn't you tell me earlier?! (She said as she closed her locker and jumped for excitement)
Y/N: No! Rosé you're wrong!! She wants to pay for what I did yesterday (I said calming her)
Rosé: So it's only the two of you will go out? Right? (She said tilting her head)
Y/N: Ye-yeah! What's wrong with that? (I said tucking my two arms)
Rosé: TWO OF YOU!? THAT'S CALLED DATING Y/N!! (She started shouting and then hitting my arm)
Y/N: Yah! Rosé! Stop! (I said as I tried to stop her)

I waited for Sana at the bench on the basketball court because she didn't arrive yet so I was kicking the air like practice my kicks just like what I did when I was part of Karate club.

I was on my calm stance when I pat of my back startled me and then when I turned around I directly do my fighting stance.

Sana: What are you doing?! (She said laughing)
Y/N: Owh! Nothing! I was just- nevermind let's get this over with (i said coldly then grabs my bag)
Sana: You look really stupid there, I saw you earlier when you were just sitting at the bench then when you started kicking the air I was just watching from the distance! (She said while skipping)
I hummed in reply.

I don't know why but I don't want to be that obvious she really hits something when she smiles. I just reply in a cold way so that it would be hard for her to understand every action I make. Well, time is gold so I'll let her take my time and I hope she'll take it wisely.

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