Dinner With The Evers

Start from the beginning

It finally sunk in though. Two weeks of practicing with him, for god knows how long each day, portraying a love story. All the while he's trying to get into my pants. Oh god, I'm in deep trouble.


"Honestly, J, it's not that bad." Rose tried to console me. We were currently in the lunch line.

"Trust me, it is; he drives me insane!"

Just then Alex showed up, "Hey, you guys want to sit with me at my table?"

I knew Rose would go anywhere as long as Alex was there. But I sure as heck did not want to sit anywhere near the football guys' table, so I quickly refused. "Uh...I don't really want to but Rose will."

"Oh c'mon, J. Please?" Rose asked pouting slightly.

"No. I'll just sit with Tricia, Cole, Jane, and Alec."

"But...you know they're gonna leave you out." Rose reasoned.

"Yeah I know..." I hate being left out.

"So sit with us!" She smiled brightly.

"No..." I said, but hesitantly.

"Please?" She gave me a puppy dog and I couldn't say no to that!

"Ugh, fine!"

"Yay! Come one!" I followed her and Alex to the table. All the guys were giving me suggestive looks that I ignored and the few girls were giving me death glares. I rolled my eyes at them.

I ended up sitting next to Rose and across from Noah. On the other side of me was this guy, Cody, who just would not keep his hands off my legs. I felt so violated. Alex sat in front of Rose and Blondie was on the other side of Noah.

And once again while I am trying to eat Cody puts his hand on my thigh, dangerously close to my place. I picked up his hand and placed it back on his own lap and patted it twice, as if saying 'keep it there'. He just smirked and put it back on my thigh and I did the same again but he placed his hand on my thigh yet another time and started rubbing my thigh.

"If you don't get your hand off me in five seconds, I WILL scream rape." I told him in a deadly calm voice. He quickly took his hand of my leg and I looked up with a smile on my face to find Noah glaring at Cody. I smiled happily at him, relieved to have Cody not touching me.

He returned the smile but then Blondie called him. She disgusts me. She probably is a good person somewhere in there but I disapprove of her whorish ways.

"You want to walk around with me?" Alex asked Rose.

She readily said yes and they left. I watched as they left. I know they are going to be together for a very-emphasis on the 'very'-long time. I smiled a little at that. Something like that would never happen to me because I am too scared to fall in love. It is perfectly fine in books because it always ends with 'a happily ever after' but in real life, someone always ends up with a broken heart. Just look at my mom...stay happy Jade! You do not want people to get suspicious and ask you what is wrong.

Great! Now what? I started looking around the cafeteria because I did no know what else to do. I then started to smile a little.

"Why are you smiling?" Noah asked with amusement in his voice.

"Nothing, it's just so awkward, I don't know what to say or do."

"That's kind of weird..." he trailed off, but he was smiling at me.

"Thank you."

The rest of lunch was very awkward and it was killing me to just sit there. But finally lunch ended and I rushed out of the cafeteria to fifth period.

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