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Sarah's POV

It has been a few hours I'm in the cell. The rumbles has gotten more aggressive as time pass by. For a moment I have smelled a rotten egg lingers the air before I heard a loud bang and fire. Due to the impact, the cell door flew opened and I barely missed it.

This is the opportunity to run. You can come back with help in the future. I thought, as I picked myself up dusting the dust off me.

Since there were no security at the main door cell, I easily escape it. The next task was to go through the rubbles that fall or damaged from the constant impact of god knows what.

"How dare you hurt my friends!" I stopped my track as I heard a familiar voice. I looked back to find the source, but it was nothing but damaged rubbles. I shook my head and continue to walk carefully without triggering any traps, if there are any.

It feels like forever for me to find the exit, as if I were trap in a maze. I managed to find a stair that leads to the outside, probably the arena of this coliseum. it was the arc way toward the middle of arena.

I stared at the commotion in the middle of the area behind a nearby pillar. There were smoke and debris everywhere. I saw few people surround the area, but I can't find Jugglenaut.

Did they take him down?

The hairs on the back of my neck stands up as I sense a pair of eyes were looking directly towards me. I was in the shadows; it was impossible for anyone to notice me. I tried to backtrack my steps quietly to conduct my escape, but I felt someone was behind me.

I turned my head slowly to meet a bright red eye looking down on me. He looks intimidating with his well-built frame and dark hair that brings his eyes more colour.

My reflex snapped myself out from his gaze with a roundhouse kick aiming to his head. He instantly blocked my attack and countered it by holding my ankle. His grip was tight but gentle.

He let go of it and ordered me to walk towards the arena. His voice was stern as if he were in a hurry. He looked humanoid but I have an incline that he wasn't.

I walked from the shadows cautiously with him closely behind me, making sure I wasn't trying to escape. As I gained closer to the middle of the arena, I saw few people and a small green alien among them looking towards me.

"Sarah?" I heard the familiar voice again, but it was clearer, I know that voice from anywhere.

"Boboiboy?" I questioned, seeing him running towards me with an open arm. My little brother was here.

Opening my arm for the welcoming embrace, I thought I almost shed a tear. It's been years since I've seen my little brother physically. We do contact through video calls but seeing him here was a moment that I would never forget.

"what are you doing here?" he asked, pulling us away looking worried.

"I should be asking you that question. Aren't you suppose to protect the earth from aliens?" I questioned before looking frantically for Jugglenaut. "Where's Jugglenaut? Its not safe. We need to leave."

"you don't need to worry about him" he laughed sheeply "Captain Kaizo and me have took him down. See." He pointed at the clown that have similar hair colour but smaller.

I looked disbelief, taking few glances between him and my brother. I folded my sleeve up and stomped toward the clown. Oh, now he feel scared when he is not big and mighty. Before I managed to get to him, the rescued power sphere tackled me with joy.


With both of my elbow on the dirt  floor, supporting my prompt body I looked at my brother and his small sphere friend. The power sphere warned him on using his second phase power. I picked myself up, dusting my shirt before walking toward him.

Captain Kaizo walked before me and congratulate my little brother for defeating the clown. Being as humble as he was, Boboiboy knows that he wouldn't able to defeat him without the captain's aid.

"Enough. The important thing is that he is defeated." the older announced, smiling at him.

"That's right! You even managed to rescued the kidnapped power spheres." Said Ocobot, pointing at the spheres Gopal was carrying.

"Not just the kidnapped ones. Even them are rescued." I smiled, showing at them the remaining power spheres. "You even rescued me."

"Hey, weren't you guys avid supporters of 'Juniornaut'?"

"We were. But we need a new boss!"

I shook my head as I saw the power spheres denied Gopal's offer as their new boss. He has always been the funny one in the group. 

"Bring them back to TAPOPS." Kaizo ordered,,, as he stylishly walked to his spaceship "I have to continue my mission."

He knows how to make a grand exit doesn't he. I stayed beside my brother as I watched the ship hyperjump into nothingness. I looked at Boboiboy and his friends and realized that they are not the same kids I've met years ago.

This is gonna be a one new adventure.

The unspoken sister: Boboiboy Galaxy spin-offWhere stories live. Discover now