Chapter 11: Light bulb!

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----Hinoiri's POV----

I woke up 6am with Tobi hugging me. I looked to the hole on Tobi's mask and saw an eye staring at me.

Tobi: Goodmorning Hinoiri chan!

His eyes closed when he said that. I instantly assumed that he gave me a close eyed smile which made my heart melt. A few minutes later, he started to get of the bed and pulled away from the cuddles but I still want to cuddle. I grabbed his wrist.

Hinoiri: Stay.. (My voice was still sleepy)

Tobi: Okay okay (Chuckles)

Hinoiri's thoughts: Is it just me or does Tobi's chuckle sound a little deeper than before?

Soon enough Hinoiri fell asleep on Tobi's chest. It was now 8am and I noticed that Tobi was gone. I looked to the other side to see Tobi holding a glass of milk and steering it with a spoon and pancakes on the bedside table.

Hinoiri: Tobi? What's this?

Tobi: Oh! Tobi thought that maybe he can cook for Hinoiri chan!

Hinoiri: Aww thank you Tobi!

Tobi brings me a spoonful of pancakes on my mouth.

Hinoiri: Tobi, you don't have to feed me! (Giggles)

Tobi: I know. But Hinoiri just looks adorable! (Hinoiri blushes)

Time passes and I finished my food.

Hinoiri: You're such a great cook, Tobi! Well I better get going and cook for everybody now.

Just as when I'm about to exit the door....

Tobi: Hey um Hinoiri?

I turned to face him and I saw Tobi gently move his mask upwards to where you can only see his mouth and kissed my cheek. I blushed and couldn't help but stare at Tobi who is putting his mask back.

I looked down and smile.

Hinoiri: Umm see you Tobi (Smiles)

Tobi: Take care..

Hinoiri's thoughts: Did Tobi's voice got deeper?

I went first to my room and changed my clothes. It was hot so I wore a white sleeveless shirt. My black bra was showing a little but I thought they wouldn't mind. I also wear black short shorts. And I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

After I was done making pancakes, I noticed that the light bulb was flickering. I grabbed a new light bulb and a stool for me to reach the old light bulb. Then I begin to replace a new one.

----Pain's POV----

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. It smelled heavenly! I quickly got up and walked to the kitchen.

When I arrived at the kitchen, I couldn't believe my eyes! I saw Hinoiri fixing the light bulb. She's so beautiful... This left me speechless. Seeing her in a loose, sleeveless shirt with a bit of her bra showing and short shorts and how her shirt flows to the wind which let's you see her tummy. It's like I'm seeing her in slow motion.

Hidan: Wow..

I noticed Hidan is next to me also staring at her. This made me pissed.

Hinoiri: Oh good morning, boys! I made pancakes, feel free to get some. (Finished fixing the lights)

Pain: Oh y-yeah umm yeah s-sure!

Hidan: I never thought someone like you would stutter seeing a girl. (Smirking)

I rolled my eyes and Hidan grabbed the pancakes and said...

Hidan: Hey Hinoiri! You look lovely today. (Smiles warmly)

Hinoiri: Thank you! You also look stunning today! (Giggles softly)

After that, Hidan went to his room and I was grabbing my pancakes.

Hinoiri: Heya! So, hows the shoes?

Pain: I love it. And actually about the note, you said you want to get to know me and well... I thought about that and maybe we c-could go to a park?

Hinoiri: Of course! I would love to!

Pain: R-really?! I mean ummm, cool. So umm how about we leave at 3pm later?

Hinoiri: Sounds cool! Well see you later! I still need to clean.

Pain: You don't need to clean. You've done enough. You deserve to rest (Smiles slightly)

Hinoiri: Why thank you! (Hugs Pain)

I was tensed up at first but eventually relaxed and hugged back tight.

What a small world (Tobi love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora