With a bowl of fruits and a cup of coffee in hand, Camila walked to the back of the house in a yellow bikini she had bought recently and denim shorts over it. She sat down by the small pool, watching the ocean and eating her breakfast in a peaceful silence when she heard a noise. Her eyes went to the house next to hers, the pool areas of the two houses were very close, just a small sand path leading to the beach separating them. She noticed a guy with his back facing her, his face looking down as if he was checking his phone, however, when he turned around and his eyes found her, Camila thought she might be hallucinating.

 “ No way!” He says in shock, loud enough for her to hear. “ Mila Banana, is that really you?”

 Camila freezes for a second, watching as he smiles at her before walking to the stairs and making his way to her house. There was only one person that called her ‘Mila Banana’, but it was impossible for her to even comprehend how that little boy had now become this man walking to where she was.

 “ Shawn?” She asks with confusion all over her face as she stands up from the chair. This Shawn in front of her is no longer a boy, he’s a man. A really hot one that is making her blush with the way he’s looking at her.

 “ Have I really changed that much?” He laughs before pulling her into a tight embrace.

 “ I haven’t seen you since you were like… twelve.” She says when they pull away. “ Trust me, you changed a lot.”

 “ Oh, you changed too.” He teased her and she could almost hear something else in his tone of voice, like he was suggesting something he wasn’t really willing to say out loud.

 “ Really?”

 “ Yeah, for sure.” He confirms. “ You…”

 “ What?” She asks with curiosity.

 “ You’re looking a lot like your mom.” He says quietly and she immediately smiles. “ Sorry, I didn’t want to mention her, but I had to say it.”

 “ It’s okay. You can mention her.” Before she realizes what she’s doing, she touches his hand and squeezes it. “ I heard about your dad. I’m really sorry.”

 “ Thank you, Mila.” He smiles back and she hates herself for liking the way he speaks her nickname so much. She almost immediately lets go of his hand, looking at the ocean for a few seconds so she doesn’t have to look at him. “ How about Marco and Sofia? Are they here already?”

 “ Wow.” She laughs, making him look at her with confusion. “ It’s kind of weird to hear you referring to my dad by his first name. No more Dr. Cabello?”

 “ He’s here with your sister every summer. I guess it just happened.” He gives her a little smirk before his next words. “ Besides, I’m not twelve anymore, Camila.”

 “ Right.” She pretends she didn’t understand what he was implying, or maybe he wasn’t really implying anything and she was imagining things. It was kind of hard to think straight with him standing shirtless like that next to her and now she was feeling guilty for even noticing his body. “ They’re coming tomorrow.”

 “ Camila? Is that you?” A voice coming from Shawn’s house makes the both of them turn around.

 “ Karen!” Camila says excitedly as she and Shawn walk to his house. “ It’s good to see you.”

 “ Look at you! You’re all grown up.” Shawn’s mother says as she hugs Camila. “ It’s nice to see you around again. We missed you.”

 “ Oh my god! Camila?” Suddenly she’s almost knocked to the ground by a teenage girl.

 “ Hi, Liyah!” Camila laughs and hugs her back. The girl was her sister’s age, but the last time they saw each other she was just a seven-year-old obsessed with being just like Camila.

 “ Why don’t you join us for breakfast?” Karen suggests with a warm smile that Camila couldn’t say no to. “ Shawn just cooked us something.”

 “ Yeah, sure.” Camila smiles and follows them to the table set up by the pool. “ So I guess cooking is still your thing?” She asks, looking at Shawn as he takes the seat across from her.

 “ Yeah, but I swear I don’t burn stuff anymore.” He jokes, making her remember this one time she was supposed to take care of him and Aaliyah at their house and they almost set fire to the kitchen.

 “ Shawn is taking over the chef position at the restaurant after this summer.” Karen says proudly. Camila remembers how Shawn would always help his dad cook and it was not a secret to anyone he would follow in his father’s footsteps and take over the family restaurant one day.

 “ Wow. That’s amazing!” Camila smiled at him. “ I bet you’re super excited about it.”

 “ I mean, I’m not as near good as my dad was, but-”

 “ No buts. You’re really talented, honey.” Karen interrupts him and Camila can’t help the laugh leaving her lips as Shawn’s cheeks go red. “ What about you, Camila? Your dad mentioned last summer that you were working as a photographer.”

 “ Yeah, I followed some bands on tour the past couple of years.” Camila explained. “ But being on the road for so long can be exhausting, so now I’m working more with weddings and other family celebrations.”

 It wasn’t Camila’s plan at all, but she ended up spending the whole morning in their house catching up. Karen was really excited to hear about her career as a photographer, while Aaliyah told her all about her plans for when she finishes high school. Shawn was the most charming of them all, almost like he was trying to prove to her that he wasn’t the boy she used to babysit anymore. It was kind of comical to her, considering how everyone knew he had a huge crush on her back then.


A/N: This was actually not what I was planning to write right now, but the idea just wouldn't leave my mind lol
It's going to be a short story, but I hope you like it! 💕

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