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Your POV 

Hearing the sound of scrapping as I felt myself being dragged, I opened my eyes to see that two people were walking next to my feet. Looking at the two, there was a boy wearing all black with a blue mask and some weird black ooze leaking from the eyes, and the other next to him was some black and white clown. 

Wiggling a little as I was being dragged and for them to let me go, I alerted the two following whoever was dragging me along. 

"Kate, Toby, she's awake." I heard. Seeing that they all stopped moving, the two pulling my arms out of their sockets dropped them. I landed with a thud and scrambled to my feet only to end up on the ground again. Hissing in pain for a moment I rolled onto my back and looked around. Seeing the two that were dragging me trying to step closer, before I scrambled to get away only to crawl into a down tree log. 

"Where the hell am I?" I asked as they looked at me. Recognizing the one with the striped hoodie and orange goggles as the one from that nightmare the other day, and the one with a white hoodie and weird mask, was Kate The Chaser from the game I played. The one that caused this. 

Watching the four of them as they glanced at each other and shrugged. The one in the goggles came over after sighing and knelt down to look at me a little better. 

"Our boss told us to go get you, he has some instructions for you." he said. Gulping gently he picked me up and forced me to walk as we went deeper into the woods. Struggling a little as I tried to get them off of me. 

Stopping in a clearing for a moment, they dropped me and I fell to my knees. Tugging on the ropes that were around my wrists I fought them a little. "Tell your boss he could have bought me dinner before he tied me up." I said with a sneer. 

They hummed gently before the one with the blue mask spoke up. "How 'bout you tell him yourself." he said before I felt the fuzziness from before. A migraine started to form quickly as I held my head before coughing violently. Feeling a bit more blood come up like it did earlier, I bent over and watched as it dripped on the leaves before me. 

My ears started to ring loudly as the static got louder and a voice came through. "Do not undermine my young one." It said. Wincing at the sound of the voice as it echoed in my head. I watched as a pair of shiny black shoes appeared in front of me. Following the legs up to see who or what was in front of me, I ended up falling over as I saw that he was about 8 feet tall. 

Screaming as I saw him in front of me, a couple tentacles came out from behind him, one wrapped around my mouth to get me to be quiet. 

"Silence, there is no need for that if you do as you're told." A few other tentacles grabbed me and picked me up so I was at what would have been his eye level if he had any facial features. "Now, there are a few things I want you to do before you can officially undergo the missions that I have in store for you." 

Shaking my head he let me go and I fell to the ground. Landing on my legs and then falling flat I growled. "I take it you're the asshole that killed my best friend and set it up to look like a suicide?" I asked before I ended up getting kicked over onto my side. 

"Do not disrespect me!" His voice bellowed. 

"Fuck you, I don't give respect to people who murder for what they want." I said before his head turned slowly and he gave a nod. Watching as Jeff stepped out with his knife in his hand, he walked over to me and pressed it against my skin. 

Screaming in pain as Jeff watched, an amused look in his eyes. "You better watch your tone, Slender isn't going to tolerate it for much longer. Your family might end up getting a demonstration on how your friends last moments went." he said. 

Growling I kicked him and he fell over. Getting on top of him I grabbed him by the throat with my bound hands. "If you ever threaten my family like that again, I swear to god I'll gut you like a pig!" I said. 

Feeling the same tentacle wrap around my waist, it picked me up and I fought to get away from it. "Put me down! I'll kill him!" 

"Looks like you found a good one, Kate." The one with the blue mask stated before the one addressed as Kate gave  a small nod. 

"Enough!" I jumped and stopped thrashing about as I turned to see Slender looking at me. "Your family will only be harmed if you give us any trouble." he said. Snarling at him as I glared for a moment. "I won't kill anyone." I said and he put me down before giving a small chuckle. 

"Not yet you won't." 

(897 words) 

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