Chapter 1

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{Marinette's p.o.v.}

I was walking in to the class and talking to my twin brother. He was dead but I can bring him back to life. That is the reason I came to Paris. then one of us die, another one can bring other twin back to life. Now Wally/Jon (it is new name) is going in to my college. Apparently Lie-la is going here too. Since she is here, my old class is here too.

Now we are waiting for Chloe. 

{Nobody's p.o.v.}

Guess who ruined whole day by spreading lies. It's Lie-la. "Did you know that I once helped Justice League in their mission? I actually saved Batman's life." Lie-la said. "OMG! Girl you're so awesome! Will you give me interview later? Pretty please!" asked Alya. "Of course, you are my BFF! I will do anything to help with your career ." Lie-la answered. "Thank you! You're the best friend ever." said Alya. (It's hard to write this scene. Lie-la is obviously not that kind of person.) Then the bell rang. Everyone went to their classes. Marinette and Jon (aka Wally) too. They sat in the back and then 5 minutes later Ms. Bustier came. (They are all 20 or 21. Just pretend that Ms. Bustier was their teacher and Mr. Damocles was the principal.) "Hello class. Today we have 4 new students. You can come in now. Please introduce yourselves." said Ms. Bustier. Then four students came in. Wally recognized them. It was Superboy, Nightwing, Artemis and Miss Martian. "Hello, my name is Richard but can call me Dick." said Dick. "My name is Connor. By the way I am taken." Connor said. While looking at the Lie-la. She was checking him out. Then she heard that she facepalmed. Marinette and Jon was holding their laughter. Her face was hilarious. "Hi my name is Megan, nice to meet you." said Megan (Miss Martian). "Stephanie" said Stephanie (Artemis. I created her fake name). Artemis talked not much. Why? Because it was just 1 month since Wally passed away (that was what she thought). "Thank you. Now Dick sit next to Marinette, Connor and Megan please sit in the 4 line near the window. Stephanie sit next to Jon. Marinette, Jon please rise your hands." said Ms. Bustier. Marinette and Wally don't sit together because Lie-la said that Marinette does a bad example to Wally. Of course Ms. Bustier believed her, since Lie-la is an angel, she wouldn't lie about anything (I can't write this anymore.🤢This is so not true. Lie-la is even worse than a demon). Marinette and Wally rose their hands. Dick, Connor, Megan and Steph sat down and the lesson began. 

35 minutes later

Ringg. "Class don't panic. Go and hide." said Ms. Bustier. Marinette and Wally was already gone. They went to the locker room and transformed (Wally has Black cat miraculous. Marinette and Wally uses their super speed to defeat akumas. 

After the battle

Superboy, Nightwing, Miss Martian and Artemis (SG - spy group) watched everything. They started to follow superheroes. Marinette knew about that, so she told Wally that and plan. So they just went to an ally and Marinette said "You can come out now, we know that you are there." The SG came out and Nightwing asked "How did you know that we were following you? How did you get super speed?" "1. Magic. 2. I think Wally will tell everything about it." answered Marinette. "Oh oke- wait... WHAT?!??!? What are you talking about? If you're taking about Wally West so you need to know that he's d-dead." shouted/said Artemis. "I think you deserve to know the truth. Plagg claws in." said Cat Flash (Wally). "Um... That doesn't explain why are you talking about Wally. You are Jon." said Superboy "Well it's a long story. Come I will tell you everything then we get into my house." said Wally.

I hope you like this book so far.

Bye 😉

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