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Namjoon immediately opened his eyes because of the feeling of something jumping on his stomach.
He opened his eyes to see his daughter sitting on him.

''Good morning Appa''
she said and smiled with her dimples full on display, which she obviously got from her appa.

''Good morning, darling.
Did you sleep well ?''

''Mhm.... but appa I'm hungry''
she said pointing to her stomach.

''Ok then let's get ready and then make breakfast.''

Kim Namjoon is a 25 year old single father. He has a daughter named Kim Roselyn who is 5. He lives in an apartment which is not that rich and luxurious but more than enough for the father and daughter. His parents were pretty well off, hence he was able to afford this apartment even without having a job.

But he couldn't just sit and enjoy his parents' money, so today he will be going for an interview at JeonKim. The company is one of the best in Korea. He did not expect to get called for an interview after submitting his resume but he got an email from the company yesterday. He was practically jumping but his friends who were there for dinner, managed to calm him down.

Oh and by his friends, I mean Seokjin, Hoseok and Jimin. They are in a poly relationship and they have a son whom they named Yoongi who is 6 year old. They live next door. He met them when he first moved in this apartment and they are friends since then.

A reason why he decided to take a job at JeonKim is that,
Rose's school is 15 minutes far from the company and there was a daycare at the company so he could easily pick her up during his lunch time and while she stays in the daycare, he could work and then go home together.

Getting out of the bathroom he sees Roselyn digging through his closet.

''What are you doing Rose ?''
He crouched down to her level and asked.

''Appa is going to a .....''
she seemed to have forgotten what it was called or couldn't spell it.

Namjoon finished.

''Yes, that-''

''But what does that have to do with you making a mess of my clothes ?''

Roselyn puffed out her cheeks.
''You didn't let me finish. You're going to the interview, so you need to look good. And I wanna help.''

''Ok. So did you find anything, baby ?''

''Mmmmm... what 'bout this shirt ?''
she said holding up a white button up shirt.

''Looks good. But I can't only wear that can I ?''

Roselyn chuckled and then started rummaging again.

Namjoon held her small arms from behind and said
''Rose, your little limbs will get tired if you don't stop. You still have a whole day to get through. Just tell me what are you looking for and I'll find it.''

''Mm... ok. I'm looking for some black pants for you.''


Just when Namjoon was about start searching his closet, his door bell rang.

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