An - y/n its not your fault dad is just stressed right now ok

Y - *shakes head*

Alex hugged me again

A - its ok were here for you baby

Ma - baby?

S - please don't start

Ma - I wasn't gonna

An - I can't be in here right now I'm gonna go find dad

Ma - I'll go with you

They both left and closed the door leaving me crying in Alex's chest. I cried for awhile again until I couldn't cry anymore. It was now 9

Y - guys it's getting late you should probably go

A - I'm staying here with you

He grabbed my hand and kissed it

L - good because I have to go

S - me to bye y/n we will probably come again tomorrow

L - yeah and I can bring you guys anything you need just call me

Y - ok bye love y'all

S/L - love you to

They left so I looked at Alex

Y - Alex you have to go home

A - no I dont my mom will understand

Y - what about school

A - I dont care about that shit right now you just got in a crash and I want to be there for you baby

I smiled and kissed him

Y - I love when you call me that

He smiled and kissed me again. A nurse came in after awhile

Nu - visiting hours are over so no more guest

Y - oh can he stay

Nu - yeah but just one person

Y - ok thanks

Nu - your welcome

We turned on the TV and that's when my dad came in the room

D - visiting hours are over he needs to go

Y - he's staying

D - no I'm staying I need to stay close to your mother

Y - ok then stay with her

D - I can't

A - I'll just go its fine

Y - no because Alex is actually here to comfort me and he will get me whatever I need

D - so will I

L is for love | a Blesiv StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora