4 I'm the Omega

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"You're going to school today?" The passive-aggressive tone of his father woke Ein up.

"Yeah, just give me the time to wake up. Jeez."

Zack quickly left his spot from Ein's door. Ein sluggishly got out of bed. This would be the beginning of another school year. His second year of high school. And it will not be a fun one, considering he's the Omega. Since they expelled him from O'khasis prep, Ein's father put him at Phoenix Drop High. It was further away from his previous school, but he didn't mind. It would mean less time at home, less time around his father.

Ein didn't want to hate his father, but sometimes he gave him no choice. Ein didn't dare ask his father why he treated him with such hatred and violence. He felt as if Zack wanted him to be shielded from something, but he didn't know what and he just couldn't figure it out. He contemplated this for many hours, some days. It was no use doing it today.

The young werewolf got dressed in his school uniform. A white button-up shirt, a navy blue blazer, a grey pair of dress pants, and black shoes. Ein thought it looked and felt very similar to his O'khasis prep uniform, the only difference being the colours. He made his way downstairs to the kitchen. He saw Zack sitting at the dining table with a glass of water and a piece of toast. Ein was no stranger to this routine. Toast with butter and a glass of water. Once his toast was done, he went and sat with his father.

"Could you not get into fights this year?" Zack growled.

"I'm the Omega. I make no promises." Zack's expression changed to one of concern. Being Omega was a harsh reality that Zack had never had to go through. He had an idea of what it was like, but he never knew how bad it could be. Getting picked on simply because you were the lowest rank. He never wished for his son to be the Omega, and it's not something he can change. The only thing he can try to do is protect him from those who want to hurt him. But that's hard from a distance. A physical and emotional distance from his son.

Ein stood up and brought his dishes to the kitchen counter before heading out the front door. No goodbyes for his father. He didn't deserve it. The young werewolf walked the short distance to the nearest city bus stop. He got on the 103, made his way to the back door of the bus, and stood waiting for his stop.

Ein's stop was almost right in front of his school. He thought it was convenient. He wouldn't have to walk too far when it rained. The werewolf made his way up the main steps of the school and entered the doors that lead inside. There was a line to get the schedules. Ein couldn't believe it. With the number of students that came to this school, who would have the time? Annoyed, he put himself in the line.

"Name?" the lady at the desk asked.


"Last name?"



"10th." The conversation was boring and monotone. The lady handed him a schedule and Ein stepped out of line to find his locker.

Number 412 was his locker. It was on the top floor of the school and right next to the bathrooms. How nice. The sarcastic thought came to Ein's head. The werewolf put the school supplies he was going to need for the school year in his locker. He felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find a short girl with black hair and brown eyes wearing the girl's school uniform. But she had a yellow stripe on her arm. And if Ein was being honest, the skirts were a little short.

"Hi, I'm Aphmau." The girl just about spat out.


"I know it seems weird, and it's a long story, but I'm the Alpha female. And I'm here to introduce you to the school!" She babbled. "Oh, wait a minute; you're the Omega, right?"

Ein couldn't wait for this girl to shut up. He grew annoyed at her high-pitched voice and her bouncy personality. It exhausted him. "Yes, I'm the Omega."

"Oh, OK. Well, I'm gonna show you where you can sign up for clubs! We usually have this whole thing for it on the first day of school, but you can sign up at any time, besides sports...". While they were walking to the soccer field, Ein was zoning out. He couldn't care less about Aphmau's monologue. It went on and on and on. She was mostly talking to herself at this point.

They had arrived on the soccer field behind the school. A lot of kiosks stood next to each other for many rows, the entire length of the field. There were all kinds of clubs. Sports clubs, like soccer, baseball, and basketball. And art clubs like theatre and painting. There were other clubs that didn't seem clear to Ein like the Infinity Club, whatever that was supposed to be.

"Are you gonna join any clubs, Ein?" Aphmau asked him.

Ein would not join a club. Sports, you had to pay. Besides, none of it seemed interesting to the werewolf.

"No, I won't,"

"Not even werewolf club?"

Ein especially didn't want to join the werewolf club. Why would he want to be around people that want to beat him up? Who would want him there, anyway?

"No," Ein responded coldly.

"Oh, OK. Well, I'm gonna leave you to look around then. Lunch is when the bell rings and then after lunch, you go to your last two classes. Bye!" Aphmau skipped away.

What an annoying girl, Ein thought. The werewolf strolled through the many kiosks, not finding anything interesting. Many people tried to persuade him to join their club, but Ein wasn't interested. After he had gone in front of all the kiosks, the teenager went inside the school to explore. He saw a few students. Some helping teachers, others just hanging out in the hallways. Ein tried to find his classes so that he wouldn't be so lost when it came for classes to start. He easily found the cafeteria and the gym where his last class was going to be.

Ein continued to adventure through the halls of the school until he heard the lunch bell. He went to his locker to grab his lunch box and headed to the cafeteria. The tables in the cafeteria were full. So, Ein decided he was going to eat outside on the bleacher. The club kiosks were just about done being taken down by other students. There were only a few students on the bleachers that surrounded the soccer field. The werewolf picked a rather large empty spot, sat down, and began eating his lunch.

Ein was looking at how big his school was from the back. The school had four floors, after all. He looked down at the back entrance of the school and made eye contact with his two friends, Ryder and Jaxon. That's right, they go to this school! Ein remembered. His friends ran across the soccer field to join him with grins on their faces.

"I can't believe it! You're here!" Jax began.

"Yeah, why are you here?" Ryder followed. The two werewolves took a seat on Ein's left.

"Well, I got expelled from O'khasis. So, I'm here now," Ein explained.

"Why'd you get expelled?" Jax asked.

"I beat up a guy for insulting me on the last day of school." Ein took a bite from his macaroni.

Jax and Ryder looked at each other, shrugged, then pulled out their lunches as well and ate.

"Well, we love that you're here!" Ryder said.

Jax quickly added. "Yeah!" With a big smile.

"I hope you don't mind hanging around the omega then," Ein told them.

"Nah, with our stupid human Alpha, we shouldn't be affected," Ryder answered. Jax punched him in the arm and gave him a frown. Ryder couldn't tell if Jax was punching him because he insulted the Alpha or the Omega.

"You know what? That's fair," Ein said. Ein understood the risk they were taking by being his friend publicly, but he appreciated it. At his old school, he didn't have any friends because of his rank as Omega.

A bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period. The three werewolves put away their lunch and stood up.

"We'll see you tomorrow, Ein!" Jax beamed. Ein waved goodbye and headed in his own direction to get to his class.

Sun Kiss (Ein x Kai) [Aphmau]Where stories live. Discover now