Chapter 2

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                I woke with a jerk. My head flew up so hard and fast it immediately hit a hard surface, which then brought it back down, causing some severe whiplash.

                Okay, ow.

                I groaned. My head was killing me, and now, my neck was helping. My nose stung like crazy, making my eyes water as I tried to pry them open.

                Tried, being the key word. Heavy material had been pressed to my eyelids, effectively locking them in the closed position. Through my eyelids I could see, well, nothing. With a shock, I realized I was blindfolded. Reaching to take the blindfold off was futile, because both of my hands had been cuffed behind me.

                Oh, great.

                I shifted against the freezing cold metal at my back, listening. Sound was fuzzy-I was still trying to work out the kinks in my neck and the lousy high school jazz band rocking out in my temples-but I could make out the soft buzz of women's voices.


                My first thought was that my fans had finally gotten me. They were going to lock me in their closet and never let me out. I gritted my teeth. Blake and Shane never got this much attention, probably because I was the only blonde in our band. I didn't know if I should be flattered or insulted.

                I couldn't remember what had happened. One minute I was rocking out on stage to thousands of fans in southern L.A., and then next the lights went out backstage, and someone was pushing a cloth on my face and then...

                Oh, wow. They drugged me. They actually drugged me, with chloroform, like in the movies. These were really motivated fans.

                As my hearing slowly returned to me I tried to listen in on the conversation going on around, able to pick out two female voices before I realized with yet another shock-they were talking in Spanish.

                Great. Kidnapped by two psycho Spanish fans from a jam-packed auditorium full of other psycho fans while a concert was going on. I was never going to live this down.

                I cleared my throat, which, I realized, was painfully dry. "Hello?"

                The conversation stopped immediately. I heard rustling before someone came and knelt in front of me, taking my chin in her hands-yep, definitely a girl. She had soft hands and a wicked manicure, I could already tell.

                "Don't talk," she said shortly, releasing my chin.

                If I could've blinked, I would've. "Sorry, but, um, you kidnapped me."

                There was a pause, and then the girl said, "Yes, and?"

                I coughed a little. "Isn't that a federal crime? I mean, if you guys want an autograph I'd be happy to sign it, but this might be a little... severe."

                She snorted, and almost immediately afterward the cloth was yanked from my eyes. I blinked in the sudden light, squinting up to try to see her face but instead finding a very large, very black, very imposing-looking gun.

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