Despite It All...

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The healers of Asgard where situated in a beautiful golden building, at the back of the Palace's gardens. Nestled in a refuge of trees keeping it secluded and quiet.

Loki had been pacing back and forth along the path outside frantically, he felt like he had been out here for eternity. Sighing he finally gave in, running his hands through his hair, placing himself onto the bench beside his brother, head in his hands.

"She will be ok Loki, please...have some faith in Mother and the healers. We have seen what they are capable of before." Thor looked sympathetically, patting him on the shoulder.

"I know Brother. I'm sorry for my outburst before, it was uncalled for but, I just feel so useless. I just want to make sure she is ok. I couldn't help her when she was being tortured by those monsters. What she projected to me...when we were in the quinjet. Brother...." He trailed off as he relived the images in his head. Squeezing his eyes shut tight, he shook his head, "I cannot fathom the pain she must have been in that whole time."

"Brother when she appeared from that building, you know as well as I do Little One had someone looking out for her, she manipulates the elements, is at one with the earth. I've never seen her levitate off the ground before, much less break through a building and down men without touching them."

Loki pondered over his Brother's words. In the heat of the moment he hadn't really thought about it, but it made sense, she had been surrounded by a pink aura. Her powers however where the most beautiful shade of violet laced with gold he had ever seen before. Not pink.

He sat up straight looking to Thor, "Who would have been there to help her like that?"

"Loki? Thor?"

Their Mother's voice was gentle as she appeared from the trees, Loki jumped off the bench, embracing his Mother in a hug, stepping back to allow Thor to approach her next.

" she ok?" He asked.

"She is healing quickly do not fear. She should be awake soon. Although I must warn you there is a foreign substance in her circulatory system. It is not one we are familiar with. Do you think anyone from Midgard may be able to recognise it?" She looked between her two Sons, "I do not believe it to be active, her body seems to be keeping it idle for now."

"Hydra where known for making super soldiers in the Steve and Bucky? you think they injected her with serum?" Loki looked to Thor.

"It is possible Brother. I can travel back to Midgard and retrieve Stark and Banner, if anyone will be able to figure it out it will be them. If you allow it Mother?"

Frigga nodded to her son, "Yes, I require their help. I may be able to remove it but until we are sure of it's molecular structure I do not wish to proceed in case it may cause her harm."

Thor nodded understandingly, swiftly placing a kiss on her cheek, he patted Loki's arm, "I will go now, look after her."

A few seconds later Loki was left standing with his Mother in the clearing.

After a brief silence Frigga spoke, "Come on, I'm sure she will want to see you when she wakes." She took his hand leading him into the hall.

The other healers scattered as they seen the Prince appear in their presence once more, he strode beside his Mother eagerly, towering above her. However she still held his hand much like a child.

As Frigga led him past the Soul Forge, Loki couldn't help but glance at it, sighing in relief. There was no blood. Soon she ushered him into a quiet, dimly lit room, as his eyes adjusted, he approached the bed that seemed to swallow her body.

"I will leave you, I will be returning to check on her later. If you require anything before then, please just ask one of the Ladies, Tyra will be close by. I have left her in charge while I see to important matters back at the Palace. Do not worry yourself silly dear please. She is going to be fine." Placing a kiss upon Loki's forehead she quietly slipped out closing the door as she left.

I had heard Frigga talking to what I assumed was Loki, I tried to force my eyes open but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't. I wanted to see him, to tell him I was ok, that Eir had spared my life. But my body and my mind where at battle with one another. I felt his cool fingers interlace with mine.

"My love..." his voice was no more than a whisper, "Look what they have done to you and here you are living despite it all. I know you can hear me my little survivor, come back to me soon please. I beg."  I felt the bed move slightly under the weight of something, that's when I felt the tickle of his hair on my hand and the weight of his arm over my waist.

"I am so sorry I couldn't get to you faster my Love. What you must have endured in the hands of those monsters. It pains me to even begin to think, I hope you did not believe you were alone, or that we had abandoned you. That we were not trying to find you. I exasperated every magic spell known to me trying to find you. The Tin Man, he barely slept a wink trying to find you. Bucky has been in a bad way too. Seems he loves you dearly. I can tell the two of you have a special bond...I'm just so glad to have you back, I promise no harm will come to you ever again my Love." His thumb caressed my hand as he spoke, his head resting lightly upon my thigh.

I was pleading with my body to do something, anything to let him know I was here, I was alive!

Come on!!!! Just work already!!!!

I was fighting to get the hand that he was holding to move even slightly, suddenly my brain complied and I squeezed his hand. His head shot off my thigh as he felt it.

"My Love? You can hear me can't you! Oh thank the Gods!"

He sounded so happy, suddenly I felt the bed move again, this time he gently shifted my body moving me so my head laid upon his chest. He cuddled into me, placing small tender kisses over my temple, then he began to read to me, he must have conjured up a book from midair again.

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