"Interesting. Well, I'm headed off to the library-" At your worried glance Rantaro laughed, "Don't worry, don't worry, just to read that's all."

"Oh. Maybe I'll drop by later then."

"If you want. That'd be nice though. But I'll be going now then." He gives you a wave as he leaves.

You sigh as you get up, quickly leaving the dining hall you're now on a search for either Gonta, Kokichi or Ryoma. Gonta so you can avoid him before he spots you, and the later two are just- well curiosity. Although Kokichi isn't your first choice that's for sure. You still can't help but think about how he killed you before... however, you are very very different this time around.

Regardless, after wandering around quite a bit you still couldn't find any of them. You started heading towards the dorm rooms when you heard Shuichi shout.

"(Y/N)! Run! Gonta is chasing after people-" As Shuichi came into view you saw him run in one direction. It didn't take you long to hear the thudding footsteps of Gonta following him- and so you took this chance and ran in the opposite direction. You aren't the best runner but hopefully, Gonta'll be distracted with Shuichi.

After a few minutes of putting distance between yourself and them, you slowed down just a bit to catch your breath.

"Running From Gonta huh?" A voice sounded from right in front of you.

"Yeah—" You said breathlessly, "Were you running as well Ryoma?"

"Nah. Even if Gonta was chasing me, he wouldn't be able to catch me anyway." Ryoma chuckled.

You blinked, well this was different. "Oh... do you know why he's chasing people then?"

Ryoma nodded, "Yup. Kokichi asked him to gather people up for a bug gathering. Of course that's just a diversion to grab the motive videos from everyone."

How. How does Ryoma know that?

Upon seeing your obviously confused expression, he chuckled. "I tried to take your advice. I went to Kaito and told him my reasoning, however... that guy said something about how I need to find my reasoning outside of potentially dangerous objects."

"So I went to the only person I thought would help me. Kokichi." Ryoma shrugs. "The guy put up this plan. I feel a bit bad about using Gonta like this— but it's not completely untrue that most people don't like bugs. And Kokichi wants everyone to watch the motive videos whereas I only care about my own but... well this kills three birds with one stone I guess."

You just stayed silent, when you offered that advice to Ryoma the plan was just for Kaito to help him out— not for him to go work with Kokichi. "Well. It's certainly an interesting plan— wait. You're not going to turn me over to Gonta are you? Personally I really don't want to meet bugs."

"As long as you help us with gathering the Kubs Pad, Ryoma and I will advocate for your love of bugs and get you out of it!" Kokichi quite literally popped up out of nowhere, causing you to flinch at the sudden presence.

Ryoma shook his head at Kokichi. "Eavesdropping again Kokichi? I'm disappointed."

"Hey!" Kokichi countered, seemingly angry. "You're the one spilling the details of the plan to someone outside of it." He casts a glance out you. "Although, I guess (Y/N) isnt the worst person to tell. Especially if they're not against sharing anyway!"

Great. You were roped into this. Again. Well you know that Kokichi's plan'll fail in the end, so hopefully you can just... get Ryoma to watch his, find out who has who's motive, and get Kirumi to hopefully watch her's as well.

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