
Toni hey sis um, sooo we have a problem.

Let me guess you don't like him or can't take care of him so you want to put him on the streets again

What no no actually um I want to keep him but he's like Sarah.

Sarah as in our lesbian sister sarah, the hybrid?

Uh yeah and he does ageplay but thats not why I called, I mean I called to tell you that and ask you something

Okay shoot

Okay so I was making breakfast and Niall kept staring at my chest and whimpering.

Oh my god haha zayn you need to get lactating pills.

Wha-what why?

He probably wants to nurse off of you.

Uh um uh o-okay

Well I got to go, class is about to start.

Okay bye sis love you

Bye zayn love you too.

I hang up and walk back into the living room. Lactating pills...okay. I pick Niall up and put him into his carrier. He giggles and kicks his feet while I slip my white high tops on and my leather jacket. I shut the front door and lock it. I place Niall in his car seat and go to the drivers side and get in. I can believe that I traded my sports car in for a mini van. I hear Nialls soft breathing and I know that he has fallen asleep. I sigh. He's like a baby, but I can't help but feel an attachment to him. His cute little ears, his cute big fluffy tail, his plump pink lips, god I love him. I love him. I love niall. I pull into the parking lot and turn the car off. I get out and walk to the back to grab Nialls stroller. I push the stroller to Nialls door and open it.

"Come on kitty time to get up so we can shop." I whisper unhooking him from the car seat and putting him on my hip. He looks at me with tired eyes and lays his head on my shoulder.

"Ah ah ah, no sleeping yet." I chuckle bouncing him on my hip to wake him up. He whines as I sit him in the stroller and put the plate thingy (IDK) in front of him. I give him his bottle, dummy, blanket, and teething ring. He grabs the teething ring and starts to slobber on it and mumble nonsense around it. I giggled. Yes giggled, and start to push him towards the mall. What's weird is that ageplay is very common here. When I get in I see my band mate harry, pushing Louis around in his stroller, with Liam walking beside him. No harry and Liam aren't a couple...they are brothers...well step-brothers. Harry on the other hand is dating Louis.

They all see me and Niall.

"Zayn, mate what's going on?" I shrug.

"Awwwww who's this little cutie?" Harry cooes, using the back of his pointer finger to stroke Nialls cheek. Louis sees this and starts whimpering. I coo at him and walk over to him and pick him up out of his stroller, putting him on my right hip. The left hip is Nialls and Nialls only. Harry picks Niall up and puts him on his left hip. Niall and louis look at each other then at us, then Niall makes grabby hands for me while louis makes grabby hands for harry. We both laugh and switch, Niall going on my left hip and louis going on Harry's right hip.

"Soooo is Niall your boyfriend or brother or son or what?" Liam asks handing harry louis' bottle.

"Well I don't know I saved him from an ally and I've been caring for him ever since." I explain putting a now sleeping Niall back in the stroller. Harry kisses louis on the lips before putting him back in his stroller.

"Did you hear that luke Hemmings is doing ageplay?" Harry asks pushing louis stroller back and forth in a rocking motion, making louis fall asleep. I shake my head doing the same with Niall.

"Well I guess Calum is daddy, Aston is dada, and Michal is baba." Liam explains.

"Hey guess what Liam is thinking about getting a teen baby." Harry exclaims quietly, making sure not to wake Louis. A teen baby is what we call teen girls and boys that do ageplay. Ageplay is so popular here that there is an orphanage that holds teen babies.

"Cool, so what are you getting...boy or girl?" I ask liam. He shrugs.

"I don't know. Either I don't care about gender much." I nod.

"Well we better get going we came here to shop but Niall is such a sleepy baby." I cooe rubbing Nialls cheek. They nod and say their goodbyes.


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