" Have you seen any signs of him cheating. Any hickeys, women's perfume, anything?"

" No I don't thing so. Unless he covered them up."

" Maybe your just overreacting."

" I would be if I didn't;t she him in the bar drinking with her.. It looks like they were having a good time. It's like he knew he was single the moment I left. If he even realized that I left."

" Did you right him a note or anything?"

" Yeah I did.. It wasn't long. I just told him it wouldn't work out and shit." 

" Do you wanna make a phone call? You know you can."

" Actually I'll call some people. Is that fine?"

" Yeah of course. I left the co pilot in charge so let me go before anything happens."

" haha yeah. thank you"

" No problem. Always a pleasure on helping out a friend." Jonathan got up and walked away. You took out your phone and looked threw your contacts. You didn't know who to call. Salma would be the best person but what about Lisa? No she would distract you from not leaving him. Salma is the best choice right now. 

* Ringing* 

" Hello?" Salma picked up the phone.

" Hey.. I need help."

" There's another women?" Salma knew already.

" Yes.. well no. I don't know at this point." You put your hand on your forehead for support. 

" Tell me everything."

You explained everything to Salma about everything that's been going on and what pushed you to your limit. You waited for her response.

" You love him. You know that."

" Of course I love him."

" You ready for some advice?"

" Yeah."

" You can still love someone and still choose to say goodbye to them."

" I don't think I'll be able to say goodbye to him."

" Do you love him? or did you fall involve with him? They're different things."

" How? It involves love."

" You can love someone as a friend, boyfriend, brother figure, father figure, etc. But falling in love with someone can be the light of your life. But love doesn't hurt."

" He was the light of my life Mom .. did I really let go of the only source of light that I had?"

" Its alright to be depressed for a minute. Cry, do whatever you gotta do but don't stay there. Get up and move on with life. Life isn't going to stop cause your heartbroken. It will go without you. If someone wants to walk out of your life, let them go."

" It's hard mom. I can't just let go."

" Come to my house. We need to talk about this." 

" Okay. I land in 30 minutes."

" Okay honey. See you."

" Bye." 

" You hung up." 

You threw your arms in front of your face. You cried, not just crying. You sobbed your heart out. It hurt knowing that you fell inlove with someone that hurt you the most. All your life you've been hurt but the least person you thought would hurt you. That same someone hurt you more than you thought it would. You thought about how you saw your perspective in life. This isn't a fairy tale. It never was and it never will be. 

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