More than friends..

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 We both paused for a moment and got off the Ferris wheel. Chris hand is on my lower back and he lead me to the group. My two god kids ran to my and hugged my leg. Chris walked to the the adults and I was with the children. 

" We saw you both had a good time, huh?" Scarlett said.

" What?" Chris said with a confused tone. 

" Dude.. we all saw. You both kissing up there." Anthony said while smacking his chest softly. 

" Yeah.. we kissed." Chris blushed and looked down. 

" Stop hiding that blush. We all know you like her. And that kiss proved it more." Sebastian said. 

" Okay okay yes I like her.. a lot but I don't know if there's anything there. We kissed that's all." Chris put his hands into his pocket. 

" That wasn't just a kiss. That was the kiss and obviously there's something there." Hemsworth said. 

"  Yeah I know I know.. but I still have to get to know her." Chris looked up.

" Yeah her past isn't pretty." Sebastian rocked his feet back and forth. 

" How do you know?" Chris looked at Sebastian. 

" Dude I've known her for a long time. Like 10 years." Sebastian said with a serious tone. 

" How bad is her past?" Chris said with a curiosity. 

" out of 1-10.. a solid 8 or 9." Sebastian looked at you. 

" Jesus.. how tho. Look at her. How can someone hurt a little human like her?" Chris said while following Sebastians gaze. 

" Ask her mother. She was the one who hurt her the most." Sebastian said while walking past Chris. 

Sebastian came to me and played with my god kids. I finally stood up and walked to the group. I saw the tension so I went to Holland. Holland seemed sad. By knowing the information the Sebastian said to the group. What the hell is going on? 

" Ima go get a drink. You guys want anything?" You said while looking at everyone. 

" No thanks sweetheart." Scarlett said. 

" Nah Im good." Anthony said. 

Chris didn't say a word. 

" I'm done." Rdj said. 

" Okay." You said while walking to a food truck. 

Rdj put his arm around my shoulder and walked together. Rdj didn't seem okay either. Well none of them did. 

" Why is there so much tension over there." You said while looking up at Rdj. 

" Sebastian said something to us and we have to process it." Rdj looked forward.

" Can I know what he said?"

" It was something about your past." 

" Oh.. What was it?"

" He said that your past is a solid 8 or 9. As in horrible." 

" Okay. Did he say anything else?"

" Chris said who would hurt someone like you and Sebastian said to ask your mother." 

" Okay thanks.. I'm actually not thirsty anymore."

" More for me." Rdj smiled at you and looked up. 

We both walked together to the group and it was still silent. I wanted to get out of there badly. After what Sebastian said. Everyone is uncomfortable and I was too. I decided to say bye to my God kids and took my teddy bear. I said bye to everyone until Anthony pulled me aside. 

" Why are you leaving girl?" Anthony's hands were on your  holder and looked down at you. 

" I don't feel like being here anymore. I wanna sleep. " You said with a fake smile. 

" Okay lady. We should all go to your house one day?" 

" Yeah tomorrow. Can you tell them? I don't feel like talking right now."

" Yeah Of course."

We both walked to everyone and I continued to say bye to everyone who was left. I got my car keys and started to walk away. Of course I didn't say bye to Chris or Sebastian because I live with them. I looked down while walking back to the car. I felt someone behind me but I don't even care who it was. I just wanted to go home. I unlocked my car and got in. Someone else followed me in the car and it was Chris. I drove back home in silence trying to fight back the tears. I had to. I was behind the wheel and if I start crying I will put our life at risk. I can feel Chris stare at me sometimes and it didn't make me feel any better. Until we got home. Finally I can go into my bed and sleep. The fact that we finally kissed and now we aren't even talking. Great. 

I got out of the car with the teddy bear and continued to walk to the door. Dogger greeted me and I just smiled. I knew if I even said a word I would break down. I would break down cause I have been running from my past and tried to forget all of that happened to me. Now it just comes out.  I walked to my room in silence while dragging the teddy bear by the arm. I opened my room and changed into a oversized shirt like I always do. But this wasn't even my shirt. It belonged to Chris. He can't even talk to me or anything so I'm glad I can at least smell his scent from his shirt. I sat on my bed and stared at the floor. 

" Why does this always happen to me?" You said to yourself. 

One tear rolled down my face. I stopped myself from crying. Especially since Chris is in the house and would probably hear me. I'm not looking for sympathy or nothing. I just want to leave all that shit behind but some how it manages to come back. I laid in bed and put the covers over me. I started to fall asleep until I heard footsteps come closer to my bedroom door. I heard my door open and close.  The footsteps went around my bed and stopped. Body weight hit my bed and my covers being pulled by someone. That someone was Chris of course. He came closer to me and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes again to fall back asleep. 

" Goodnight my little teddy bear." He whispered and laid a kiss on my head. 


Sorry for this being so short. Kinda wanted to write until I lost track. <3

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