The Syndicate (Chapter 9)

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This is the chapter where things go down! I didn't see a reason to stretch this out any longer than it needed to. I can only see this story having another ten chapters max. I don't want it to get repetitive at all. Besides that hope y'all enjoy!
It had been two weeks since Chase and Rocky's arrival back home. The exciting days seemed to be done and over with since there was nothing far.
Chase sat in his pup house. Still he had Everest in his head. The venting idea she told him about was really useful but Marshall hasn't been around too much.
Chase sat up and eyed the un opened box Everest handed him two week ago. It was red with little engravings on them. A neat yellow blow tie lied at the top.
He reaches it and carefully unravels it. He pulls off the lid. Inside were 2 items. A small blue crystal and a piece of paper.
I found this pretty nice look gem thing in the cave. I was going to offer it to you to be nice but you clearly didn't want that at the time. While we were in the cave you really grew on me. I would say I have a slight crush on you but you probably don't know what that means. So to put it straight, I like you. Weird I know. Just take this as nothing that important. It'll suck saying goodbye but you got a pretty important job now.
Yours Truly, Everest
Chase huffed and laid back. "Damnit damnit damnit! Of course Jake walked in." He sighed.
He heard knocking on the door. It was a distinct pattern from the usual 3 knocks. It was a little extra that he and Marshall came up with. "Come in!"
The door opened and Marshall stood there with a bright smile on his face. "What's so happy about today?" Chase asked.
Marshall looked at Chases paper. "I think! We're getting a new member! My question is what is that?"
Chase looked at and then looked at Marshall. "Gift from Everest. I wonder what Rocky got." Chase replied. Chase huffed, he couldn't care less if they got any new members.
Marshall nodded. He wasn't gonna try to get anything from Chase.
Marshall turned to leave. "Wait"
Marshall turned to see what Chase had to say. "Don't tell anyone I told you this. Maybe Rocky. Look when we were up there me and Everest spent a lot of time in a cave. She sorta got us in there and I had to kill a bobcat twice but! We got to know each other. And y-
Marshall's face was completely blank. Suddenly it turned into excitement. "And you guys kissed? That GREAT! You're finally moving up in life! Boring old leader to boring old leader with an exciting girlfriend!"
Chase made a sizzle noise and tilted his head side to side. "Wellllll, you see. We were like a couple inches away from kissing. Jake walked in so we pretended like nothing happened. Then I left and now I'm here."
Marshall rubbed his chin. "Maybe just get it next time."
"That's what I said!" Chase exclaimed as he got up in excitement. Cough cough "I'm not sure what that was." Chase said.

Rocky scanned through his computer. "What? Where are they?" He said as he looked at his computer.
Zuma walked in with a grin on his face. "Looking for the pown hub files?" He joked as he tried not to laugh.
"What did you do!" Rocky said as he hit his head on the table.
Zuma quit his jokey attitude once he saw that." I didn't touch anything! Why? what happened?"
Rocky paused for a good 10 seconds. "Everything happened. It's all gone..." Rocky felt his heart pinch at the thought of tons of data gone.
Zuma didn't know what to say. "If it makes you feel any better...Wyder is recruiting a new membew! It's gonna be a newd like you as well" Zuma informs before heading down the stairs. "I'll be down right now...just, just let me process this." Rocky mumbled.
Zuma couldn't help pup feel bad. He turned to walked down the stairs but Rocky joined him with a smile on his face. "Ovew it alweady?" Zuma asks.
Rocky smiled some more. "I have a photographic memory! I already remember all of that."
Zuma raised an eyebrow. "You? Having photographic memory?" Zuma says as he snickers.
Rocky rolled his eyes as they entered the living room.
The pups relaxed in the living room watching some simple Apollo the super dog. The TV screen changed and projected a live video call from Ryder himself. "Ryder sir!" Chase said being the first one to stand up.
"I have an assignment for each of you. It'll be very fun. Upstairs I set up a camera, black curtains, and sound proof barriers. In this order Police Unit, fire unit, EMT unit, water unit, then Rocky, Skye, And Rubble. You will record yourselves for the future. Something to remember the paw patrol by. Take as long as you want because nobody will see them. Unless everyone agrees on it. I won't so it doesn't really matter."
Everyone nodded their head and looked at each other. "See you in 4 hours with our new recruits." Ryder said before hanging up.
Chase was the first to head upstairs, Luna sat and kept an eye on Rocky and Marshall. "How was the new guy up in the mountains?" Marshall asked.
Rocky rolled his eyes and fell back. "Tell me about it! He easily got jealous of Chase, emotionally annoying, huge jerk but his pros outweigh the cons." Rocky complained.
Marshall couldn't imagine living with someone like that.

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