Your Second Chance (Chapter 8)

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Chapter 8 for ya and on time! Chapter 9 will take some time so don't expect that a little too early. Besides that hope you enjoy! I had a lot of fun with this Chapter.
See you next time
Everest groaned and squirmed on the floor. She felt stiff and her body was sore all over.
She looked around in amazement. Everywhere you she looked she saw beautiful rock formations, crystals, and a stream of water going into the unknown. "Chase?" She calls out.
She rubs her head and tried to recall what happened before their fall.
She heard some shuffling behind her. She scrambled to get on all fours. "Chase?" There was a tall mound of snow blocking her view. She looks up to see the whole they fell through. They must've landed on it.
There was again no answer. Everest slowly and quietly scoots her paws over to see what made the noise.
After a couple of steps she saw the head of the bob cat starring dead at her. She jumps backwards to avoid conflict. The clear memory of her diving into Chase and the bobcat filled her mind. "It''s my fault I'm an idiot!" She drops down to her paws and starts to silently cry to not disturb the sleeping bobcat. Her vision was burry as the tears got stuck trying to escape her eyes.
Two blurry pillars appeared in front of her. "Kill me already. I deserve it." She mumbled.
"Woah woah woah! I'm not gonna kill you!" A familiar voice said. "Yeah I'm really fucking mad at you but I won't kill anyone...starting now." The voice spoke again.
Everest stopped. She had never heard Chase or anyone for that matter cuss on the PAW Patrol. She wiped her eyes and looked up to see a very ragged Chase.
"You l-look like you were d-d-dumpster diving in a pile of needles."
Chase had an disappointed expression on his face. "Are you dumb? Like honestly, you TOLD ME about the hole and YOU were the one who thought it was a good IDEA TO DIVE INTO IT!" Chase yelled as he pawed his face. Everest looked down to her right and saw the extra pup tag. "I..." she paused.
She wasn't sure if it was the best time to ask why the tag is here. "Why is this here?" She finally asks.
Chase froze. "Wow, just wow. Not even an are you okay? Or you good? But you ask what the tag is for. I'm claustrophobic! I fought a damn bob cat to survive just for you to be the final nail in the coffin!"
Everest froze at Chases harsh words. Her throat felt dry. Everest got up to see the dead bob cat.
It head was turned around 180 degrees. She wondered how Chase managed to do that.
She turns her head to Chase who was licking his wounds. "Chase?"
"I'm sorry I didn't say anything...and I'm sorry I said to kill me. I-sigh- I didn't know what I was thinking." Everest said wishing she never said that. She looked at Chase hoping for a response.
Chase got back up and turned around with a tired face. "I don't even know what to say to you anymore. Everything I've told you was probably for Makalu's benefit." Chase scoffed.
Everest felt her heart shatter into a million pieces. "No Chase, I was actually interested into that stuff. Makalu is great and all but the days I'm not at the lookout pains me. I wish I could live there. I could learn another job." Everest said trying her hardest to get Chase to believe her.
Chase grunted and laid down on the ground. Everest gave up and fell over. She recalled everything Chase called her and started to tear up. "I'm a screw up. I can't fix this." She mumbled and dug her head into her arms.

Makalu huffed and looked into the sky. "We gotta head home it's getting dark out." He ordered. Light snow started to come down and cover their tracks.
Makalu thought of a new plan. They'd been walking all day, there was now way either of them could follow tracks that didn't exist. "Do you know which wood can be lit on fire?" Makalu asks.
Rocky almost jumped backwards. "I thought we were going home not camping."
Makalu rolled his eyes. "The snow will cover up our tracks. I thought you were supposed to be smart." Makalu insults.
Rocky tapped his foot and looked around. "I remember the way home." Rocky stated. Makalu raised an eyebrow. "You don't, trust me nobody does."
Rocky shook his head. "Look, if I get us lost you can eat my dead corpse."
Makalu felt like gagging at the statement. "Just go."
Rocky looked at their surroundings and looked around every tree in the area. Every tree was familiar and noted down. Makalu had zero hope in the Mix breed.
"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Makalu asked.
Rocky still looked at each tree. "I'm certain of it." Every tree was familiar to him.
After 2 more hours of walking Rocky saw the chain link fence that separated the wilderness from civilization. "Wow! Are you like....a superhero or something? Photographic memory?" Makalu suggested.
Rocky froze. He had never considered himself to have photographic memory. "I'm actually curious of that..." Rocky replied.
They jumped the fence and walked into the building where jake stood counting today's earnings . "Where's Chase and Everest?" He instantly questions.
Makalu shrugged as Rocky opened his mouth. "Probably working hard, it's how Chase it. His pup pack comes with head lights so they should be alright." Rocky replied.
Makalu felt his stomach twist. He didn't like that Chase and Everest were alone together in the middle of the woods.
"You haven't been able to contact them?" Jake asked
Rocky coughed and looked around. He didn't think Jake could be so...dense. "We're in the mountains without strong antennas, the reception won't be the best." Rocky explained.
Jake nodded. "Everest should know where the other cabins are, if they aren't back by 2pm tomorrow we're gonna send a search team, get some rest." Jake ordered as he dropped the money and looked out the window and let out a heavy huff.

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