[19] Possesive [19]

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"Oh- Um. Just checking up on her," He lied, also laughing sort of nervously.
"How is she?"

"Great. Just fell back asleep actually,"
Niki pinched her lips, "We were just doing our rounds and she is normally awake by now for breakfast. It's being held in the hall if you are hungry" It turned into a smile.

"Thank you, will do,"

The two just stand there awkwardly, "I'm going t-"

"Yeah- I'll see you around"

When the man turns and walks down the corridor. Meeting eyes with a glaring Sapnap who said that the interaction was the awkward-ist thing he has ever seen or had the annoyance of hearing, they both left to the main hall together.

Niki slowly opened the door and peered inside, seeing what Dream spoke of was true.

And she woke her up, informed her of the breakfast and made an outfit for the girl to wear in her own style.

At the breakfast there was an announcement of a smaller sort of party with only royals invited. She saw royals she had never met before speaking to her mother and step-father. As well as her step-brothers.


The gathering went smoothly. Y/N stuck near her friends who stayed the night. The group went outside a whole hour before the smaller party commensed. Kicking growing puddles at each other and laughing. Being a comeplet nunesense to the birds who looks like they were trying to sleep.

Y/N changed after getting ganged up on by her friends and getting soaked with muddy water to a flowly type of dress that was in her wardrobe. Just in time for the whole thing to start and go in the dining hall where everyone was.

They all had dinner, talking amongst themselves in little groups while eating. The hall was bustling with noise the entire time. Nothing was quiet.

And everything was going great. No sign of Isabella. No sign of her mothers watchful, and annoyed, gaze. And no sign of trouble. Until a tap on her shoulder brought her out of thought, turning around with a smile. "Hello," A boy stood there with a smile,
"Hello there,"

He took her hand and laid a kiss on the top of it, taking Y/N by surprise as she retracting it quickly. Glancing at Dream who was making a conversation elsewhere. Not realising her disappearance.
"My name is Tyler, and yours?"

"Um. Princess Y/N," She answered meekly. 
"Oh if we are being so formal. Prince Tyler of Quath. Pleasure to meet you" He got closer, Y/N took a step back to keep the distance. Why does she remember that kingdom?

"You too I guess," Y/N smiled awkwardly. In her lying brain she can't think of one thing that could make an excuse to leave, which was surprising.

"So, what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"

"I'm sorry?" She took it as a joke.
"Are you single?"

"Why so many questions-?"
"Is that a yes?" He continued, every step forward he took. Y/N took a step back, consciously looking over to where Dream stood. But missing how Sapnap pointed over to her, seeing how she wasn't near them anymore.

"No- I'm taken." Was, of course, the truth.
"I bet I could be better" He spoke smugly, 

How the fuck am I meant to respond to that? Y/N thought,

But before she could even answer, Y/N walked into someone. Not something that she really wanted to do. With an apology right on the end of her tounge, they spoke. "Is there a problem here?" Dream.

"Nothing that concerns you, just trying to, mingle, y'know" Tyler's eyes stayed on Y/N for a second, before trailing to the man behind.
"With, her?" He asked, Y/N stayed in front of him. Tyler nodded.

The Time Travelling Life | Dreamwastaken x Reader | Royalty AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz