Another apology for her father's passing.

Had his death been their fault that they felt the need to apologize?

It felt like a gesture of mockery to her pain.

She watched him intently as he spoke, letting her gaze linger on him before accepting his hand as the next words escaped her lips.

"I'm sure you tried your best to make time for my father's funeral, mamá did say you were a good friend of his, funny I've never seen you in my life". She spit, her last words laced with venom.

The man before her was devilishly handsome, she couldn't deny it, hell, she was glad to have him in her presence even if he caused irritation to briefly take over her emotional pain.

He had jet black hair that she unwillingly imagined running her hands through, it was slick and shiny, reaching his ears.

Also accompanied by a strong chiseled jaw that matched his strong build, giving him a mysterious and dangerous vibe.

Capri couldn't help but also notice the ink on the back of his left hand, she was sure it covered, if not all then most, of his arm.

He stayed quiet at her response, his eyes flickering towards her grandmother who shook her head at Capri's tone.

"Behave mija please".

"Whatever". She responded, rolling her eyes as she yanked her hand out of the devil's.

Yes, she had already labeled him as such.

"I'll go wait in the car".

Capri bent down, taking off her heels before walking past him, her eyes quickly skimming his tall stature as she walked off.


The funeral had come to an end.

Capri found herself taking quick staggering steps into the kitchen of their home as soon as she arrived, not attentive to her grandmother who was shouting behind her.

"No puedes comportarte bien ni en el día del funeral de tu padre, por Dios Capri"!

(You can't even behave on the day of your father's funeral, my God Capri)

"Hazme un favor y déjame en paz".

(Do me a favor and leave me alone)

A bored expression danced on her face as exhaustion flooded through her body, not having the energy to interact with such a boisterous woman.

"Maltrata al que quieras pero a ese hombre no, no te toca, es más vos deberías tratarlo como un segundo papá ya que estarás viviendo con el desde ahora"!

(Abuse whoever you want but not that man, you should treat him as a second father since you'll be living with him from now on)

Capri's head snapped towards her grandmother, completely on alert as confusion etched all over her face.

"What are you talking about"?

Her grandmother took in small breaths as she sat down hesitantly, realizing the words that had left her mouth on impulse.

"Sit". She signaled in front of her.

Capri stood awkwardly, finally obeying as she took slow steps towards the only woman she's ever trusted her whole life.

"Your father left you in the hands of someone who.. is not me". She spoke softly, taking in her granddaughter's hands which lightly trembled from her nerves.

Capri was utterly lost.

"I don't understand".

A heavy sigh escaped her grandma's lips as she lifted her gaze towards the ceiling before letting it drop to their intertwined fingers.

"Your father entrusted you to live with the man you met today, it was a proposal from your father that Mateo had accepted before his death".

She internally prepared herself, knowing her granddaughter would hate what she had elaborated.

"What the fuck". Capri said enraged, yanking her hands free from her grandmother's grasp as she stood up abruptly from the stool.


"No! I just met that man today for fucks sake"!

Her grandmother winced at the tone of her voice.

"Mija there's nothing I can do, you are still a minor, what your father said, goes".

Capri scoffed loudly, putting her hands on her hips as she shook her head in bewilderment.

This was insanity, had her father lost his head?

"You will meet with him again tomorrow morning with a team of lawyers, there are a few things to go over". Her grandmother said firmly not letting her get another word in as she walked away.

Capri screamed after her, her face reddening and the veins on her neck becoming prominent as anger took over her body.

She wouldn't do anything willingly.

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