【Part 3: Host】「Satoshi」

Start from the beginning

"Wow impressive." I patted his back, and he returns one to me.

"Good job bruh. Did you think of that offer yet?"

Shit! I went straight to bed last night when I got home. I still was hesitant to say yes. What will Kazuo do to me? I looked up to see Hiro staring, and waiting for a response.

"Ah um I wanted to see the workplace first if that's okay?"

"Sure come with me after school. We can take my car there."


I waited for the long day to end. I texted Kazuo to tell him that I won't need a ride. He didn't question me which I found odd, but that was a better sign for me.

Hiro lead me to his car which was a small black Honda with a sun roof. I saw a lot of girls checking him out, and making small talk with him. At times I wished I had that type of attention, but I knew I would just get annoyed at the end of the day.

"Come." He opens his car door, and I opened mine.

The drive wasn't that long. The club was located in downtown Japan where all the media happened. I saw a ton of kids from my university hanging out there. The smell of alcohol, and cigarettes reeked the whole city. It almost made me want to gag.

We stopped in front of a fancy looking red building with golden dragons surrounding it. Hiro takes out the keys from the ignition, and signals me to follow him.

Upon entering he doors were two well dressed traditional Japanese women. The ladies greeted him, and we entered the elevator.

"Impressed?" He smirks.

"Sure." I nodded with no amusement present on my face.

He frowns, and punches my arm lightly. "Satoshi, be more alive. Who the fuck wants a dull ass host?"

I groaned as the elevator doors opened. The man at the entrance of the elevator greeted us.

"Welcome Hiro! Is this that man that you wanted to show me? He does look quite suitable." He grins at me, and I couldn't help, but reacted disgusted in my facial expression.

"Yes. Director, this is Satoshi Fujiwara. Satoshi, this is Director. He doesn't really want to be addressed by any other name." I looked up at the Director. He had long wavy ginger hair with golden eyes that were clearly contacts. His smile was a bit crooked so it looked like he was smirking most of the time, and he had a heavy minty scent in his aroma. Pretty weird dude if you ask me.

I lend out my hand, and produce a "nice to meet you." He shakes my hand.

"My pleasure. You look quite dashing in a dress shirt. Would you happen to want to be a host at Flower Boy?"

"Yeah." I nodded. What could it hurt? Kazuo won't have to know. This could help me get some money.

"Good!" Director takes my shoulder. "Come this way."

I follow his lead, and Hiro walked alongside with me. He smiles at me. "Satoshi. This will be awesome. You will have so much fun."

"Will I? How so?"

"Well date with girls haha! Just there are key rules."

"Yes yes! Satoshi. Sit." Director sits me down on a soft leather seat, and hands me a dark red booklet.

"What the hell?" I opened it up to see rules, and other organization pages.

Hiro sits next to me on a spare seat, and Director sits in front of me. He takes out a similar booklet, and starts reading out the contents. Then he stops, and places it down.

"Satoshi here are some rules. Number one, you must not ever have a relationship with any of your clients. If you wish to pursue one however, please don't let it interfere with your work. Number two, do not take on more than one client at a time. Only the hosts that have been here for a year may go on multiple dates due to experience, and maintaining balance. Three, if you happen to make any woman pregnant, we are not held responsible. Four, there will be no men allowed in these dates. We are strictly a heterosexual company. Five, you must keep track of all your clients in your planner that we will provide for you. Lastly just follow rules, and regulations, and you will be fine." He flashes that crooked smile, and I did as well.

"Okay." I saw Hiro smiling at me. He hands me a box containing a fancy suit, a name tag, and a cellphone. "Huh what's all this?" I asked.

"We don't want clients to have our personal numbers, and of course you have to be dressed fancy when you are in this building. Simple protocols."

"Okay." I looked down on my watch, and saw it was getting late. "I got to go home. Can you drive me?" I looked over to Hiro, and he nods.

He drove me back to my dorm room, and I saw Shinta sitting outside with a 3DS. He waves to me.

"Hey Shin. Sorry I'm late. Did you prepare dinner?" I asked.

"No haha I am heading out with a friend. Is that okay?" He puts the DS in his pocket, and looks at me for an answer.

"Sure I guess." I shrugged.

"Got to go." He quickly goes to his small convertible, and drives off.

Why the hell didn't he just go? Did he really have to wait for me? I went on inside, and heard the doorbell in a matter of minutes. Did Shinta forget the keys? I went to open the door, and saw Kazuo. I saw disappointment in his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Why didn't you wear the things I got you?"

My brain stopped functioning for a second, and then it all hit me. The clothes that Kazuo bought! I never even had a chance to open them. I was scared of what he will say. "Sorry I was really busy last night with a school project so I didn't get a chance."

"Hm okay baby." He smiles, and pulls me in for a kiss. "Can I come in?"

"Well su-"

"Come in there." He points to the inside of my dorm. "And come in here." He pulls me in for an embrace, and I could feel his finger poking my asshole.

"Nnnhg..." I blushed, and tried to remove his hand.

"What's wrong?" I could see his eyes stating confusion.

"Not now Kazu." I tried to push him away, but he wouldn't budge.

"Hmm what's that?" He sees the box with my host materials in them. My heart sunk, and I tried to get his attention, but he pushes me aside.

"Kazu no!" I tried to stop him, but he takes the box, and opens it.

"The hell is this shit?!" He roars. I backed away from him, and he takes my arm. "This is for those host clubs. Are you out of your mind?!"

"Sorry." I couldn't produce any words to explain myself.

"Quit this now!" He throws the box on the floor.

"I need the money!" I fought back.

"Not this way! I will give you money!"


"Fine!" He stormed off out my house. I watched him go back into his car.

I noticed another person in the car with him. I couldn't make out who it was since it was pretty dark at night.

However looking hard enough, I saw it was Shouta.

To Be Continued

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