“Oh wow, they look amazing!”

Her flats were ballerina style flats with a the same fabric as her dress, a shiny new penny as a charm for good luck. Her heals were her usual four inch closed toe shoe with the same intricate design of crystals and fabric as her dress. Including the same effect of changing colors when wet, although these became a little darker in color.

“I think she’ll love them!”

“Of course and I got a surprise for you, since I know how much you hate heals and would prefer flats, I thought since I had extra time in my hands, I would make a pair of your own.”

“No way!”

I jumped and hugged him, giving him a kiss on the cheak.

“Thank you, you’re the best!”

Then someone cleared their throat and I pulled away knowing exactly who it was.

“Miss Mendoza?”

“Sorry, I got a little excited.”

“Of course you did, but we have rules here.”

“Yes Sir. Thank you James, I’ll see you later.”

“Sure thing.”

I looked down and stepped out of the shop, going to my room.

“Miss Mendoza?”

I halt where I’m at and slowly turn.

 “Yes sir?”

“I thought we were going to try?”

“Try what?”

“To address each other by our first names?”

“Sorry, forgot, I’ve just been really busy.”

 “How are things going by the way?”

“Good, just having trouble with the corset, it’s just not working.”

“Well let’s have a look maybe I can help?”

I look up then and smile.

“Oh could you?”


I took him to the classroom and showed him.


“Do you like them?

“They’re amazing, did you do the bead work yourself?”

“Yes, but I had a tone of help from some of my friends.”

“Well you did an amazing job; this is what you’ve been working on in your room?”

“Yeah to the point I really can’t feel my fingers tips very much anymore, but it was so worth it.”

“And the shoes are…”

I nod and turn the form to its back.

“Oh that’s not good.”

I shake my head as he comes in and starts looking at it.

“I tried, but it’s just not working and I’m out of options. I can’t believe I cut it too small, I should have known better.”

“Don’t worry it happens. Where’s the rest of the fabric?”

“There is none, I used it all.”

“Well how about going bare back?”

“She’s getting married in a church, a catholic church to be exact.”

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