23_ Midnight Snack (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Essence P.O.V-

I was awake the whole time.

I know, I know. I should NOT have been eavesdropping, but I was just... curious.

"Essence? Do you want me to take you to our room?" I almost swooned when he said 'our' room. He was rubbing my hip, which turned me on. I had to turn my back to him to keep him from seeing my smile and keep myself composed. He started rubbing my hip again after I turned over, thank god he couldn't see me fangirling with my face in the pillow.

"Just leave me here, I'm tired." I said with a yawn and a stretch.

He removed his hand, I whimpered dissatisfied. He chuckled and I heard him walk away, I wondered what he was doing. I suddenly felt a warm blanket lay over top of me, he was so sweet.

"Thank you..."

"No problem." He whispered.

I thought he was just going to walk away... but he didn't. He kissed my cheek! My smile grew to the size of the moon and I covered my blushing face with the blanket.

"What?" I heard him say in a very dry voice after a few seconds.

"Oh Essence! Let me carry you around, hug you all the time, and do whateeever you tell me toooo!" Mikey said loudly, imitating Raph.

"I never said that!" He yelled back angrily.

"But you act like it." Leo said, I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"I do not! And shut up before she hears you!" It was cute how he was trying to get them not to wake me up. The reality of the matter is, if I was really sleeping, I would have defiantely been awake by then.

They all laughed way too loudly again and Raph was stuck there shushing them telling them not to wake me up. I have to say it was quite adorable.

"Welp, I think I'm gonna hit the hay." Donnie yawned. "What about you fellas?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go too. Training starts again in the morning." Leo said tiredly.

"You goin' to bed Raph?" Asked Mikey.

I felt another light kiss on my cheek and his thumb stroke the spot he kissed.

"Yeah, I'm going." He sounded so sad, it automatically made me sad. I wondered why he was so down all of a sudden. Was it me not sleeping with him?

..... No, it couldn't be me.

He doesn't even like me like that anyway.

Raph P.O.V-

Here I am.

Laying in bed.


I can't stop thinking about her. It makes me so angry that she'll never love me back. Why is it that the one human on Earth who excepts us, I LOVE. I don't want to love her, I just do! I sighed deeply, my head starting to ache. I glanced over to the clock (which I'd been looking at every minute for the past hour) and checked the time.

"You've got to be kidding me." I said to myself.

I couldn't believe it, it was 12:32 a.m. and I was stuck drowning in self-pity. I needed something... well, I needed Essence. But unfortunately, I couldn't have her, which meant I had to turn to the second best thing I could've had in that moment- a beer. I KNOOOW! It's not good to drink, and some people just find it unattractive, but I just really needed some comfort and the only thing I could find comfort in was beer.

I lazily hung my legs over the side of the bed and stepped to the floor. I shuffled to the living room, in need of seeing her. When I got there I saw something that shocked me, nothing! The couch was empty!

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