Turn That Frown Upside Down

Start from the beginning

The infant in Jennifer's arms cooed with delight and reached her arms out, groping for her grandfather. Jennifer bounced her daughter in her arms as she handed her father her daughter who had put his coffee down in order to hold onto Elaine with both hands. 

"Sleep good, daddy?" 

"Like a baby. You?" 

"Mm. Wasn't my best, but... wasn't my worst. What are you doing today, daddy?" 

Morris shrugged his shoulders and twiddled his moustache. "Dunno. Maybe I could look after Elaine for you while you go out and have the day to yourself." 

"Really, daddy?" 

" 'Course, darlin'. After all, you could probably do whatever it is you ladies like to do to make yourselves happy." 

Jennifer tipped her head down but maintained eye contact as she grinned at her father. 

Morris let out a fake cough. "Shopping." 

"Whatever you say, pops." 

Jennifer gave him a kiss on the cheek bone before slipping past him to make herself breakfast. With her being distracted from any thought about (Y/n), it was going accordingly in Morris' books seeing as how he didn't dare allow his own daughter stray into the depths of sadness and misery. All he could do was hope for the best and wait until somebody found her missing lover. 

The carnage that shook New York after the return of the Hulk was still in a fiasco. Buildings crumbled and streets cracked, it was such a problem for those who managed to avoid such a travesty to escape the area where the Hulk challenged the Illuminati, now disbanded. Jennifer huddled amongst crowds as she weaved her way to the most available mall in the city. 

Despite the worrying thoughts of what people would think of a Hulk wandering around the city barely concerned Jennifer as she walked around with boosted confidence from her She-Hulk form as she eyed stores she fancied on exploring. A fuss was created within the mall as citizens made snarky and rude comments to someone for their appearance. 

It didn't take long for Jennifer to take notice of the audience that gathered where a stranger in a hazmat suit with a gas mask over their face ignored the rude remarks when they suddenly stopped in their tracks. Jennifer furrowed her brows together in curiosity of what the stranger was up to when they reared the face of their mask in her direction. 

People took a few steps back when they noticed a spark of fire conjure in the masked individual's palm. Within a matter of seconds, a panic ensued when fire was blasted in Jennifer's direction. Despite knowing the heat of the fire wouldn't bother her, it was the force that caught her off guard when she got launched off her feet through walls. 

Jennifer grunted as she removed herself from the rubble and ran back to the ledge burnt from the blast of fire. Her attacker was nowhere to be seen as Jennifer let out a minor curse under her breath when she felt someone tap her shoulder. Whipping her head around, Jennifer was met by a fist colliding with her face that caused her to stagger off the edge and fall to the lower level. 

"Son of a--" Jennifer grumbled when she was cut off by the pyro dropping on her abdomen. 

The pyro raised their foot up to stomp on her face when she grabbed that foot and threw momentum their way which caused them to lose their footing and fall onto their back. 

"What's your problem?!" Jennifer snarled as the pair got up to their feet, ready to clash. 

Even though they spoke, all that came out were muffled sentences to Jennifer's confusion. Regardless of that, they started a brawl where citizens remained where they were and cheered She-Hulk on as she raised her arms up, blocking a spray of fire from the pyro's palms. 

There was more effort as Jennifer struggled to compete with the force of the fire until the blast ended until she was met with a fist colliding with her jaw. The blows Jennifer delivered certainly had an effect on the pyro, yet they were able to give as much as they received. 

A dirty move gave Jennifer the high ground as she kicked the pyro's foot, causing them to fall onto that knee and gave a strong punch that ripped half of the mask. They accepted the punch rather well and placed a hand on the ground to compose themselves. 

There was a pause as Jennifer panted heavily when she turned her back to her opponent when she heard her name get called by a familiar voice. In her chest, Jennifer's heart dropped as fear overwhelmed her. Slowly, she craned her head around at the pyro. 

Noticing them still looking at the ground, they looked up at her where she could see a portion of their face, they eye cold and emotionless. Jennifer let out a shrill gasp and raised her hand to her mouth as she uttered their name when a tear made contact with her cheek and finger. 


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