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⇢ 039 ˎˊ-

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⇢ 039 ˎˊ-


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Honestly, at this point you were lost. At both a lost for words and a lost in this conversation.

You could barely comprehend what was happening. You were just dumb like that.

"Which means it's still possible to have a true Founding Titan." Mikasa and Jean both listening in to the conversation on their horses.

Mikasa gasped, shockingly. "You can't..."

"Seems that way. We could capture Rod Reiss once he becomes a human. Undo the First King's brainwashing. If we could do that, it might open a path to save humanity." 

That made Eren and Historia just stare at the ground in shock, scared of what they want their decision to be. You didn't understand the burden of how hard it was, but you tried to understand as much as possible.

You weren't born in a noble family. In fact, you barely had people to call family. So to have these kinds of jobs just weren't like you.

"Plus, Eren...Are you saying you're fully prepared to let that happen?" Levi asked him, for him to turn his head over at Levi.

"I am." he replied.

That somewhat shocked you.

How was he okay with everything that was occurring at the moment?

"Eren, you can't..." Mikasa said with sweat drops on her face. The same with the others as well.

"You're forgetting our other option." Historia turned her head. "First of all, the current plan is full of flaws. One, there's no proof that you can undo Rod Reiss' brainwashing. No matter how you restrain him, if he alters humanity's memories, it's over. Basically, there's too many facotrs about the Founding titan that we just don't know." Historia explained.

"True." You and Armin both said at the same time.

"Jinx!" you said to Armin. Your childish ways of doing things made them slightly happier than they ever thought they would be.

"How does the rules work again? Armin, Armin, Armin?" Historia said, willingly wanting to know Armin's reasoning for what he said.

He finally let out a breath, "Even if Rod Reiss eats Eren, we have no guarantee that he'll return to normal." You nod, Historia did as well.

"On the other hand, all we've ever known is destructive pacifists. But as it stands, the Founding Titan was taken from them. This is a once in a lifetime chance for humanity." That made Eren let out a shocked gasp.

"Yes...Your father was trying to save us and humanity from the First King. He stole the Founding Titan from my sister...murdered all of the Reiss children...because he had no other choice." Historia finished.

It was a long rant, but you somewhat understood. Everything in their plan and stuff like that. 

Eren suddenly touched the top of his words, and whispered, "Dad.."

"That's right! Armin yelled out, "The Dr. Jeager I know wouldn't do something like that for no reason at all." 

"Right." Mikasa added, "Even without having Reiss blood, there must be a way to save humanity. That's why he left you the key to the basement."

Eren turned to Historia for her answer, she nodded.

Hange didn't say anything though. She was busy focusing on the sky. "What basement?" Sasha asked.

I guess she didn't know.

"Oh, basically Eren received a key from his father to a basement. Erwin thinks its gonna be the solution for humanity, but I'm calling bull." you tell Sasha.

And what you said was true. Maybe there was a possibility you guys could find out information in the basement, but chances were low.

It seemed stuipid; fake, bullshit.

"Oh, that whole thing? You mean it's actually important?" Sasha's breath getting a bit shaky.

"Uh, yeah..." Connie said afterwards, a bit confused with Sasha's random change in mood.

"We've finally got a way to plug up the wall. The way I see it, there's only one choice." Jean continued after Connie.

"That makes life a little easier." Levi's stern expression stayed the same.

"If it means anything, I agree with that choice." Hange finally spoke out.

That had meant it was your turn to actually say something. "Mhm. I agree with you guys as much as I don't want to." 

"Although, are you sure about this, Historia?" Hange turns to ask her. "We can't exactly have a titan like that wandering around inside the walls. One that big, we can't restrain." 

"That's true." you somewhat cut Hange off. 

"Meaning..." Hange lifts their hand up from her shoulder and points to Rod's titan. "We'll have to kill your father and there's no way around it." 

Historia looked back at the titan.

One time you had such a similar choice to Historia's. It was like it was exactly the same. Killing someone you didn't want to kill.

It's not like you liked Kuchel that dearly, but you had definitely remembered her. Because now she was known as your best friends' mother.

"Sorry, Historia. You'll get through this. I promise." you reassure him, giving her your best smile.

Connie, Sasha, Mikasa, and Jean continued riding on their horses. Sasha and Connie both holding a torch in their hand. For a light source.

Her blonde hair blew in the wind peacefully as if it was undisturbed. She turned to Eren, "Eren. I'm sorry." she randomly spoke out.

"Eh?" Making Eren the utmost confused.

"Underneath the Reiss chapel...I really considered becoming a titan and killing you." That made Mikasa a bit shocked. She hadn't known of this, which is what you had forgotten.

"What's more, not even to save humanity... Only because I wanted to believe my father. I didn't want my father to hate me..." A frown started to form on her face.

"But now, it's time to say goodbye."


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