029 | levi the observer

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⇢ 029 ˎˊ-

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Sasha puts a finger on her chin, thinking about what Jean could possibly be hiding from them. "I know something!" It finally comes to her.

"Your thinking of stealing me so bread, or meat! That's even better.." she drools while daydreaming about potatoes, bread and, or meat.

"No! You stupid. Be serious. I'm actually very curious. We're your best friends, c'mon just tell us!!" Connie protests, wanting to know immediately.

He wasn't good at guessing games, and neither was Sasha.

Nobody was. If you were going to be honest.

"I've got it!"

"Are you sure it's not about your stupid things, like food related?" he complains, rolling his eyes tired of hearing it for the millionth time.

"No!" she yells, upset that he would think that, crossing her arms, "Clearly not! This is important. He has a crush! Ya know those things humans have when they like someone." Sasha explains. "Romantically." she whispers that part, teasing Jean.

"R-romantically?! You don't know what your talking about.." Jean flustered, covering half of his face with his hand.

"Nope! you definitely do. Now confess!" Sasha says, really no idea how to deal with these kinds of things. She's never had a crush before, she's only loved food.

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